Triple screen setup after update?

I didn't see any of the usual controls (angle, bezel size, distance) to define a triple screen setup. It seems like just picking the 48:9 aspect ratio (or whatever the numbers are) & the correct resolution puts you in triple screen multiview mode with an assumed angle? Anyone know differently?

I adjusted FOV until things looked lined up. Will need to make custom resolution to correct for bezels, but I need to do that for AMS anyway.
They did say this was a first pass at getting triples into the game, I'm sure they'll work on making it better and easier.

True, but they also said things like bezel and angle correction would be in there.

"Multiview Triple Screen Support
As we already announced, we will release a first iteration of our improved Triple Screen Support,
featuring Multiview rendering, bezel- & angle correction."
Triple screen support seems to be gone, I changed to other monitors, changed my command line accordingly, RRE did an update, and now i the bezels are not taken into account anymore.....
I just tried now and triple screen work OK with launch option set as in the link from their site. The bezel is taken in account. Checked while I change FOV in the cockpit. My game version is
The decimal point for bezel width must be "point" not "coma"