Tripp Team servegame down?

You wouldn't happen to know were i can get 1967 Avus for race07 would you Trippman? I used to have it but after swapping my harddrive, alot of tracks have gone missing and 67 Avus is one of them. Can't find it any were now.
Tripp announced in his forum that he's going to close down the site starting today.
A single man has been hosting 1tb+ of files for years, so I don't really blame him for closing the servers.

Edit:It seems like the server is still up, but I don't know for how long it'll stay or if he changed his mind.
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Anyone trying to get to TrippTeam servers try this - type the text below directly into your address bar with no spaces between letters, hit "Enter" and you should be in CandyLand. I had to put spaces between all the letters so it wouldn't get censored - DO NOT SIMPLY COPY AND PASTE.

h t t p : / / t t . s e r v e g a m e . c o m : 2 0 0

I hope this is allowable as, it is not a live link.

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