As you may already know, you can not race with or fill the grid with custom liveries in Single Player for some events.
Well, if you are really keen and want to spend a little time, it can be all yours!
For this example, I will use the Endurance 6H Race Weekend, Monza, and Ferrari 488 GT3
Enjoy your custom livery filled racing!
Well, if you are really keen and want to spend a little time, it can be all yours!
For this example, I will use the Endurance 6H Race Weekend, Monza, and Ferrari 488 GT3
- Single Player > Game Mode > Endurance 6H Race Weekend
configure this as you like and confirm
- Single Player > Circuit > Monza Circuit
configure this as you like and confirm
- Single Player > Team > Ferrari 488 GT3 > Rinaldi Racing > 488
you can not select a custom livery here, so pick the model of the car you want to drive and forget about team/race number at this point. Confirm
- Single Player > Start Session
- > Drive
no need to load setups etc, just click Drive
- As soon as the timer starts hit ESC > Save
- ESC > Quit
- Navigate to your My Documents Assetto Corsa Competizione Saved Games folder
e.g. ..\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Savegames
In here you should see a group or groups of files like this
where the # is the same number: 1H, 1P, 1R, 1SE, 1U. there could be many number versions depending on how many saved games you have already. Sort the files by day and look for the newest number series. For this example, I will use "2"
- Open in NotePad your custom livery .json that you want to drive yourself which can be found here:
..\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Customs\Cars
There can be many .json files in here, so I rename all mine so I can find the livery I want easy. file name must be in lowercase
in my example it looks like this. NOTE, you will have to edit the highlighted entry to match your raceNumber:
Code:{ "carGuid": 909, "teamGuid": 0, "raceNumber": 909, "raceNumberPadding": 0, "auxLightKey": 0, "auxLightColor": 341, "skinTemplateKey": 100, "skinColor1Id": 341, "skinColor2Id": 1, "skinColor3Id": 243, "sponsorId": 0, "skinMaterialType1": 0, "skinMaterialType2": 0, "skinMaterialType3": 0, "rimColor1Id": 1, "rimColor2Id": 340, "rimMaterialType1": 2, "rimMaterialType2": 1, "teamName": "Team Can't Afford It", "nationality": 0, "displayName": "Can't Afford It", "competitorName": "Team Can't Afford It", "competitorNationality": 0, "teamTemplateKey": 0, "carModelType": 2, "cupCategory": 0, "licenseType": 0, "useEnduranceKit": 1, "customSkinName": "cantaffordit", "bannerTemplateKey": 0 }
- Open in NotePad 2H.json - This is all about you, of course and you will see in there the following code and edit the highlighted line to match your custom liveries .json and edit the lines in bold red to true. **NOTE** If there is a , at the end of a line it must have one. If the last line doesn't, don't add one:
Code:{ "carGuid": 909, "teamGuid": 0, "raceNumber": 909, "raceNumberPadding": 0, "isCustom": true, "bUsable": true, "isMP": true, "sprintCupValid": false, "enduranceCupValid": false, "fullCupValid": false, "canSelectOfficialTemplate": false, "canSelectCustomTemplate": true, "allowAsOpponentInFreeModes": true, "carRaceEventType": [], "carModel": "Ferrari_488_GT3", "cupCategory": "Am", "licenseType": "FullSeason", "teamName": "Team Can't Afford It", "nationality": "Germany", "displayName": "Can't Afford It", "competitorName": "Team Can't Afford It", "competitorNationality": "Germany", "teamTemplateKey": 0, "auxLightKey": 0, "auxLightColor": 341, "skinTemplateKey": 100, "customSkinName": "cantaffordit", "skinColor1Id": 341, "skinMaterialType1": "0", "skinColor2Id": 1, "skinMaterialType2": "0", "skinColor3Id": 243, "skinMaterialType3": "0", "sponsorId": 0, "rimColor1Id": 0, "rimMaterialType1": "2", "rimColor2Id": 340, "rimMaterialType2": "1", "bannerTemplateKey": 0, "contentId": "MainGame" },
- Open in NotePad 2R.json - Use Find and search for "carid": 0, and you will see in there the following code
edit the black highlighted line to match your custom liveries .json
edit the red highlighted for your desired driver
the green highlighted will have your playerid for all three drivers, do not edit
Code:{ "carId": 0, "raceNumber": 909, "carModel": 2, "cupCategory": 2, "teamName": "Team Can't Afford It", "nationality": 2, "carGuid": 909, "teamGuid": 0, "drivers": [ { "firstName": "Günthar", "lastName": "Rowe", "shortName": "ROG", "playerId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, { "firstName": "Olly", "lastName": "Rowe", "shortName": "ROO", "playerId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, { "firstName": "Dakota", "lastName": "Rowe", "shortName": "ROD", "playerId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } ] },
- Open in NotePad 2SE.json - Use Find and search for "carSet": { and you will see in there the following code
edit the black highlighted line to match your custom liveries .json
edit the red highlighted to match your drivers as per 2R.json. Here the "nationality entry uses numbers
Code:}, "carSet": { "cars": [ { "info": { "carGuid": 909, "teamGuid": 0, "raceNumber": 909, "raceNumberPadding": 0, "auxLightKey": 0, "auxLightColor": 341, "skinTemplateKey": 100, "skinColor1Id": -341, "skinColor2Id": 1, "skinColor3Id": 243, "sponsorId": 0, "skinMaterialType1": 0, "skinMaterialType2": 0, "skinMaterialType3": 0, "rimColor1Id": 1, "rimColor2Id": 340, "rimMaterialType1": 2, "rimMaterialType2": 1, "teamName": "Team Can't Afford It", "nationality": 0, "displayName": "Can't Afford It", "competitorName": "Team Can't Afford It", "competitorNationality": 0, "teamTemplateKey": 0, "carModelType": 2, "cupCategory": 0, "licenseType": 0, "useEnduranceKit": 1, "customSkinName": "cantaffordit", "bannerTemplateKey": 0 }, "drivers": [ { "info": { "firstName": "Günthar", "lastName": "Rowe", "shortName": "ROG", "nationality": 40, "driverCategory": 0, "helmetTemplateKey": 149, "helmetBaseColor": 0, "helmetDetailColor": 0, "helmetMaterialType": 0, "helmetGlassColor": 0, "helmetGlassMetallic": 0.0, "glovesTemplateKey": 33, "suitTemplateKey": 371, "suitDetailColor1": 0, "suitDetailColor2": 0, "playerID": "1", "aiSkill": 63, "aiAggro": 10, "aiRainSkill": 50, "aiConsistency": 16 } }, { "info": { "firstName": "Olly", "lastName": "Rowe", "shortName": "ROO", "weight": 80, "nationality": 40, "driverCategory": 0, "helmetTemplateKey": 149, "helmetBaseColor": 0, "helmetDetailColor": 0, "helmetMaterialType": 0, "helmetGlassColor": 0, "helmetGlassMetallic": 0.0, "glovesTemplateKey": 35, "suitTemplateKey": 371, "suitDetailColor1": 0, "suitDetailColor2": 0, "playerID": "1", "aiSkill": 61, "aiAggro": 10, "aiRainSkill": 50, "aiConsistency": 22 } }, { "info": { "firstName": "Dakota", "lastName": "Rowe", "shortName": "ROD", "nationality": 40, "driverCategory": 0, "helmetTemplateKey": 149, "helmetBaseColor": 0, "helmetDetailColor": 0, "helmetMaterialType": 0, "helmetGlassColor": 0, "helmetGlassMetallic": 0.0, "glovesTemplateKey": 200, "suitTemplateKey": 371, "suitDetailColor1": 0, "suitDetailColor2": 0, "playerID": "1", "aiSkill": 69, "aiAggro": 10, "aiRainSkill": 50, "aiConsistency": 41 } } ] },
- The is the last step for adding your custom car to the race. Time to see if you got it right.
Main Menu > Saved Games > Play
All going well, your car number, driver names, etc have been changed and you are now in your custom livery. If not, you will need to go back over each file entry one by one again.
- Assuming all worked ESC > Quit (Do not save again)
- To add custom liveries to your competitors, repeat steps 11 to 14 working your way through the "carid"'s with the only difference is their "playerId"'s found in 2R.json will be 0,
Enjoy your custom livery filled racing!