PC2 Trying to alter sound; imported .bank sounds weird.

Hi guys,
I would like to alter the sound of some cars a bit.
Now I use audacity and can import the .bank file as "raw" something.
It works, I get -wel- something in there, but it sounds like an old modem, getting raped.

What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
The PCars2 .bank files are not audio files. They're compiled Fmod data.
Fmod is the 3rd party software used to edit and implement the sounds in PCars2, but the Fmod projects and files are only editable and accessible by the original project developers (you need the source files to be able to open the projects in Fmod).
There is no simple way to edit or alter the PCars2 sounds at the moment.
There's indeed a way to extract the audio samples but I won't mention it here for obvious reasons.