Craig Stevenson Craig Stevenson Mar 7, 2017 #1 Anyone know which of these TV's would be good for Gaming, specifically Racing?. Looking for 4K HDR up to about £500, I currently use a 43" Panasonic HD TV.
Anyone know which of these TV's would be good for Gaming, specifically Racing?. Looking for 4K HDR up to about £500, I currently use a 43" Panasonic HD TV.
Joerg Baermann Joerg Baermann Mar 7, 2017 #2 PC: HDR: I would suggest Samsung KU6300/6500, you should be able to find 43-55" versions of these for 500 squid. Last edited: Mar 7, 2017 Upvote 0
PC: HDR: I would suggest Samsung KU6300/6500, you should be able to find 43-55" versions of these for 500 squid.
Mr Latte Premium Mr Latte Mar 7, 2017 #3 Might be wise to hold out a couple of months on the 2017 offerings, if that is you can wait? Upvote 0