Tv recommendations for PS4

Hi Guys,

Got some stuff on order for a new rig build and am now looking for a TV or Monitor suitable for PS4. I know the PS4 puts out HDR to a HDR display, but, how about refresh rates ? I don't know off hand what the output from the console is,so, would I be wasting my money going for something that exceeds the consoles capabilities ?

Also, I notice that some manufactures are quoting refresh rate as PQI figure - how does that translate to Hz ? I understand that 100hz is faster than 50hz , but, what the hell is 1300PQI ? !

Just been browsing on 'Ye Olde T'interweb' and found these at CurrysPCWorld -

My budget is around £500, but, if I can find something suitable and reliable for less then I will consider it. Also, as this display will be solely dedicated to the Playstation, it does not need to be a TV particularly - a Gaming monitor will also be fine if it fits the bill resolution, quality and budget wise.

What are your collective thoughts, guru's ?!
I think that the biggest thing for gaming TVs is latency. I used to help find a tv that was suitable for all around use including gaming. I don't think that the PS4 will do more than 60Hz.

Gran Turismo Sport is gorgeous in HDR.
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Thanks Gt11 !

What did you go for in the end ? I am having trouble deciding on anything at the mo - I quite like a Samsung curved that I have seen locally (5 year manufacturers warranty), but, they use a completely different rating system to almost everyone else, so, trying to find out what the latency, refresh rates, etc are is proving difficult as they don't give out that info !
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I went with a Sony 900e which rated as their best midrange TV. The 900F is this years model. I actually bought my PS4 for Sony exclusives such as uncharted and god of war. I bought GT Sport out of a sense of nostalgia and got myself hooked on sims again. I moved my PS4 over to my rig where I have a 24" computer monitor.
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Current consoles don´t operate at more then 60 hz. It may change with PS 5 or next gen Xbox though.

If you are competitive input lag or display lag will affect your lap times. But it´s possible to have fun with a 40 ms tv. More then that and the input lag start to get really noticable. I catch less spins with my 30-40 ms tvs then I do with my sub 20 ms monitors I have verified that a lot of times. See the spin one or two frames to late is enough to put you off sometimes and it affects my general reaction times so often get to deep into corners. If you are a person that go more by feel maybe less handicapped as the wheel input is not delayed.

As for PS 4 it don´t have a lot of sims. I do most my console games on my plasma and OLED despite their input lag due to not supporting 21:9. Image quality is so much greater compared to my lcds and they have a much much faster response time so I live with being slightly less competitive.

Used plasma if you dare to go that route is the only model that will fit your budget outside the lcds though.

Last years samsungs was really good on input lag but you just have to google every tv you are interested in. I have a MU6125 and it´s okay for the price. I could be happy running console games with it but my samsung PS51D7005 totally destroys it despite lack of 4K and HDR. But I feel it´s better then my old Sony W653A except for colours that feel a bit plasticcy at times.
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As said above 60hz/60fps is the ceiling on PS4.

You're building a rig, so I assume that includes a wheel in which case the monitor should be close to your wheelbase.
Before I went PC/Ultrawide, I ran a Vizio 32" 1080p/60hz TV that paired very well to the PS4, in fact that screen is sitting in my closet for sale.
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Thanks for your input, Jason. Used tv might be a consideration, however, I fear that any saving would be swallowed up in shipping costs from the States to the Isle of Man ! Lol !

I spotted this locally - it's probably a little on the large size, but, the 5 year warranty is attractive !

I have also found an independent local tv/audio specialist who seems to be undercutting Currys/PCWorld by about 10% at the mo making them the cheapest around !
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I would suggest considering one of the mid-range Phillips models.
Ambilight is unique but rather awesome with various modes available in how it operates for different moods or content.

Once you get to experience and enjoy Ambilight (or combine it with further Hue bulbs or leds) it's hard to use a normal telly with no lighting. Really adds to the immersion in the room filling your peripheral vision. Watching videos of it isn't the same thing...

2018 models are just out ,with some other more basic models also available but these linked, use the P5 Engine Chip, this one looking to offer good specs and performance for the money or this one.
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