TX Serve Base + G27 Pedals = Pedal Deadzone (10-15%)

I got a TX Servo Base and the G27 Pedals. The Pedals are connected to the Base with an Adapter.

But i got deadzones an every Pedal, about 10-15%.

Does anybody have an Idea do i fix that?

Edit: I recently mounted a spring Mod from GTEYE, could that maybe the reason?

Thanks if someone can help me!
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Im using Richmotecs Thrustmaster wheel to Logitech pedals adapter. Sometimes I have deadzone problem if I have pressed pedals during the power up /calibration routine of the wheel.

You need to recalibrate the pedals by using the Thrustmaster´s control panel.
Its important that you power up your wheel, let the wheel calibrate, start the Thrustmaster Control Panel and only then press the pedals all the way down.
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I do this. I power up my pc and don't touch the Pedals, the wheel calibrates and i start a game... should i recalibrate the pedals every time i power up the pc and wheel before i start any game?
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First you need calibrate the pedals in Thrustmaster Control Panel.
Check this guide-> http://ts.thrustmaster.com/faqs/eng/thr_eng_00144.pdf

You start the Thrustmaster Control Panel and only the you press the pedals.
After that you can go to game and calibrate the wheel there too.
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Okay so i start the preferences on control panel and press every pedal. And then it's calibrated? So I don't have to do that all the time I powered up the pc and wheel?
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