Tyres pressure

I read time ago that "tyres pressure" does not work fine in rf2 and that, to setup the tyres to have faster lap times you just need to reduce tyres pressure to the lowest possible value.

Now, I read it maybe one year ago, so after many game updates I ask you if it's still the same or if now "tyres pressure" works fine.

I am NOT interested in online competition, so I am not interested in tricks to be faster.
I just play offline, but I need to know if, testing my car to find the best setup, I should also manage tyres pressure or if it's a waste of time and so just setting pressure to the lowest value

any help would be much appreciated
Late reply but yeah rf2 u really just go lowest pressure (usually 140 but some cars are lower) it’s not like the tyre pressure simulator in that way (acc). U can adjust to get tyres up in the 70s but the devs say this actually is realistic if u ask them as the teams would do lowest pressure irl.