Ultrawide monitor placement

Hey all,

I'm really enjoying my new G9 with ACC and spend more time racing than futzing with VR as I had been previously doing.

Question: Do you place your monitors so that the in-game gauges/wheel appear to be aligned with actual wheel placement?

I'm thinking of rigs like Boosted Media or Race Beyond Matter where it's difficult to tell where the virtual and real elements of the rig begin/end.

Because the ultra wide doesn't have a lot of vertical pixels relative to horizontal pixels, I've placed mine on top of my CSL DD base to get more screen real estate for the road. This makes it so that in game, the dash gauges don't line up.

Curious to hear what others are doing with their rigs.
Boosted media has 3 massive displays which gives alot of vertical space which allows him to put the monitors below his wheel.

I just purchased an ultra wide too and plan to buy an adjustable monitor arm and put it roughly above/around the middle of my wheel base.
  • Deleted member 197115

I ended up with 1/3 of the wheel covering the view. Had it about 1/2 before, but it was blocking way too much information on the screen and hiding menu items.
With Ultrawides there is not a lot of vertical room you can play with unlike 16:9 format where you can move wheel up and still have plenty of verticals left unobstructed.
My G9 sits just above my DD1 wheelbase, so that’s about 70cm away from my eyes. I use a SimCore dash which would obscure the screen dash, so with a 27 degree FOV and about 1m Distance setting (varies from car to car) it all kinda lines up.
my center monitor sits between my wheel and the wheelbase, just above the wheelbase shaft. about 54cm from my eyes. 32" triples. I think if I had larger monitors I would want them behind the wheelbase so that I could get them lower.

I might actually flip my center monitor upside down so that the larger bottom bezel is on top, but I need to get the more adjustable VESA brackets first