Understanding Road Bumps

Hi, I recently have started playing GTR2 and I am really enjoying it.

There is one preference I have though and that is I dont like the sine wave bumps that are baked into the tracks. RF1 had the same thing but it can be limited or removed by editing the field 'roadbumpamp' in the track .tdf file. In RF1 It was typically 0.010 meaning that the track had a constant 10mm washboard applied to the surface everywhere. I get why this was done so as not to make the tracks appear unrealistically flat but my personal preference is to not have this as the car is constantly porpoising to the perfect 10mm sine wave bumps everywhere. Especially annoying on super stiff cars. I dont think this setting affects the unique bumps that have been made by the track builder so you still get to keep the normal bumps in certain parts of the track.

I know the GTR2 engine is predominantly the same as RF1 but I couldn't find the same 'roadbumpamp' field in GTR2 track files so I could change it to suit my preference (not entirely true I think the field is still there on one of the tracks, maybe Barcelona, which I was able to change).

Any advise on this is greatly appreciated.
Hi - checkout those settings in track .gdb

Don't understand them in depth, but they change how track feels in motion system. I remove those because I actually love the default behavior of the engine
Hi - checkout those settings in track .gdb

Don't understand them in depth, but they change how track feels in motion system. I remove those because I actually love the default behavior of the engine
Thanks Iron Wolf. I note that the gdb files do not have that text (except for maybe 1 or 2 exceptions like anderstorp). I didnt think to add it to potentially overwrite whatever the game default is.

I'll give it a try and see of it works.

Regarding the meaning, roadbumpamp is the amplitude of the sine wave applied to the road surface in metres. So in your sample above it is 0.006m which is 6mm.

Roadbumplen is the length of the sine wave in metres so in your sample above the road is applied with a uniform surface ripple with a bump height of 6mm every 32m.