Unexpected error for my first car mod

Hey there. A while ago I decided to try making my own car mod for AC. I didn't want to do a Forza conversion though, but rather start from scratch. By now I finished the model and I'm now trying to get it to work in the game. In both, the standard showroom and the content manager showroom the car works perfectly fine, the lights work, steering works and so on, but if I try to load into a race with it I get an "unexpected error". I tried to find my mistake in the logs, but with my very limited knowledge I have no clue what's causing it. So now I hope someone of you can help me. Thanks already in advance.

This is the crash part in the logs:

OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\caravatar.cpp (2188): CarAvatar::setVisible
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\mirrortexturerenderer.cpp (115): MirrorTextureRenderer::render
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFC948A2D0B)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFC948A2D0B)
00007FFC948A2D0B (DWrite): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\sim.cpp (2558): Sim::renderScene
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFC948B969B)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFC948B969B)
00007FFC948B969B (DWrite): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\ksgame\game.cpp (275): Game::render
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\ksgame\game.cpp (275): Game::render
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\ksgame\game.cpp (275): Game::render
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\ksgame\game.cpp (126): Game::onIdle
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\ksgame\game.cpp (210): Game::run
d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFCF1BA7034)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFCF1BA7034)
00007FFCF1BA7034 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFCF2602651)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFCF2602651)
00007FFCF2602651 (ntdll): (filename not available): (function-name not available)

I'll also attach the whole log file just in case.


  • log.txt
    10.6 KB · Views: 163
the log.txt you linked is the wrong one, its from the AC showroom

but this line "d:\dev\dev_pc_master_race\acs\mirrortexturerenderer.cpp (115): MirrorTextureRenderer::render" makes me think it could be the mirrors. Try cleaning out the related ini file and try again :)
Thanks already for the tip, but it's a pre-war car and has no mirrors and as such no mirrors.ini file.

And I hope this one will be the right log file then. But looking through it I just noticed that it tries to load ini files I don't have. Is that normal? For example I deleted the flames.ini, but it still tries to load it


  • log.txt
    45.2 KB · Views: 193
Okay, I'm going through the log error for error now. Quite a few suspension errors, but I didn't properly set it up yet anyways (I changed the suspension geometry, but the spring and dampening values are still from the Formula K). Don't think that's causing my issues though.

ERROR: Material::getVar CANT FIND VAR boh for shader RT_DRIVER_Face
ERROR: Material::getVar CANT FIND VAR boh for shader RT_Gloves
ERROR: Material::getVar CANT FIND VAR boh for shader RT_DriverSuit
ERROR: Material::getVar CANT FIND VAR boh for shader Material #46
ERROR: Material::getVar CANT FIND VAR bo for shader Leather
ERROR: Material::getVar CANT FIND VAR boh for shader Leather

some shaders missing if I understand it right, but this shouldn't cause the crash, right?

ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/suspensions.ini > ERROR: MULTIPLE KEY FOUND IN FILE content/cars/model_t/data/suspensions.ini [AXLE] ATTACH_REL_POS STILL USING OLD VALUE: -0.2
I think I corrected this one now, but that shouldn't be the issue either.


This could potentially be the problem I think. I can't add DISC dummies as the car has no wheel brakes, but I could add Hub dummies.

ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/brakes.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [DATA] COCKPIT_ADJUSTABLE
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/brakes.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [DATA] ADJUST_STEP

This can be ignored I guess. I deleted those things from brakes.ini

ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_FRONT_CD
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_FRONT_CL
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_REAR_CD
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_REAR_CL
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_LEFT_CD
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_LEFT_CL
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_RIGHT_CD
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] ZONE_RIGHT_CL
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/aero.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [WING_0] YAW_CL_GAIN

not really understanding what's the issue here

ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ABS] SLIP_RATIO_LIMIT
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ABS] PRESENT
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ABS] ACTIVE
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ABS] CURVE
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [ABS] RATE_HZ
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [TRACTION_CONTROL] SLIP_RATIO_LIMIT
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [TRACTION_CONTROL] MIN_SPEED_KMH
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [TRACTION_CONTROL] CURVE
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [TRACTION_CONTROL] PRESENT
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [TRACTION_CONTROL] ACTIVE
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/electronics.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [TRACTION_CONTROL] RATE_HZ
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/model_t/data/flames.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [HEADER] INTENSITY

All those can be ignored I think as I deleted ABS, TC and the flames.ini

Please correct me if I said something wrong here and if you have any tips they'd be greatly appreciated
Now that I think more about it, nothing of that stuff above seems to have caused it. The log file ends abruptly like this. I really have no idea what's the issue...

Setting ballast for car 0 to 1.000000 Kg
First session, resetting dynamic track grip: 1.000000
|1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000|
|0.000000 1.000000 -0.000000 0.000000|
|-0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000|
|0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000|
|1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000|
|0.000000 1.000000 -0.000000 0.000000|
|-0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000|
|0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000|
Car::setRequestedFuel: 30.000000
Changing Car:0 tyre:0 compoundindex:0
Changing Car:0 tyre:1 compoundindex:0
Changing Car:0 t

And the Custom Shaders Patch log file ends with
2021-04-26T13:55:19:725 [11116] | INFO | Lights FX extension created
2021-04-26T13:55:19:726 [11116] | INFO | Loading details for car instruments: 000002318E6152C0, car=model_t
2021-04-26T13:55:19:727 [11116] | INFO | Loading: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\textures\common/dfg.dds
2021-04-26T13:55:19:740 [11116] | ERROR | Crash! Trying to generate nice dump: 000000C3C26FDF80
2021-04-26T13:55:19:740 [11116] | INFO | Create dump at: C:\Users\hschm\AppData\Local\Temp\uc20.0
The first set of errors about missing parameters in the driver shader is a CSP thing and I'm not sure how it's generated cause it's not generally true.

HUB/DISC empties should be optional unless you have suspension animations enabled, which does make HUB mandatory.
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