Uninstalling A.C

Do it from steam, make a copy of your car and track folders first, Steam will transfer everything, once done just replace track and cars folder with one you saved.
Done it, in reverse actually because my car folder is 400 GB because I am a modcolhic, I left my SSD drive for a conventional drive, it works great.
No need to unistall it. Every steam game could be moved to a new place directly.
There are two ways I recommend, either way requires you to create a new steam library folder in your "C/drive SSD" in advance.
Once you've done,
  • Solution 1 - using steam
  1. Open Steam and right click Assetto Corsa press properties button and let steam transfer your game to your targeted Steam Library folder. I'm using Chinese version but the buttons should be at the same position:rolleyes:
  2. 8QsSS31.png

  3. Then Steam should transfer everything including mods. But if you've replaced some AC original files (some mods might do that) they may be "corrected" afterwards because steam will do a file check after moving all files.
  • Solution 2 - manaual
  1. Go to your original AC's steam library folder and then close steam.
  2. Move "assettocorsa" folder to your new steam library folder ( /steamapps/common).
  3. Then go back to your original steam library's "steamapps" folder and move "appmanifest_244210.acf" (244210 is AC's appid) to your new steam library's steamapps folder
  4. H3Wx4ev.png

  5. Then open steam and you'll see AC is still installed (but already in your SSD). This way should save your time.