United States & Canada

Retirement (for now)

Let me start off by saying that this is not easy for me to do...

After Saturday's AF3k event I have decided that this game is no longer fun for me anymore. I haven't signed up for a NA event in about 3 weeks time as it is too frustrating to read atop my screen (Not Intentional) as the driver that has hit me drives away, this was awhile ago...I know there's a forum spot for reporting such things, but from my experience, it hasn't helped me in anyway, so usually I just slink back on track and try to avoid everyone that comes near me. Usually to the point of going off track to let them by because I don't want the contact...
Watching the smack talk that goes on in the practice sessions and forums might be good for some, but turns me off and takes away from the fun of the event for me, I feel like there are people who are there to prove something and not just play a "game" but prove their manlyness at how fast they are or what-not! I'm not the fastest, usually the slowest as it pans out, and this is just more frustrating week after week, day after day and the "FUN" is gone.
I remember when the NA community first started, our first race consisted of 3 or 4 of us and it was FUN! I learned a lot from the other drivers about how to run the track and the car. Now when I join an NA event its about who's speeding in the pit lane and there is just way too much politics playing out to get anything out of it. Where's the fun in that?
I play games to relax and get away from the "Real World". Yes, it is escapism, but it's better than planting my nose in bag of something else. It's somewhat healthy and gives me a reason to do what I love, racing. But I don't love it anymore, I regret it...(that's hard to swallow). I know there has been a defection of sorts of old members around here and I know there has been an influx of "New" recruits. This brings me to my next point.
When another site closed down to join this one (I believe that's how it went, not too sure, I couldn't get a straight answer) all of the regular events that kept the NA community changed. All of a sudden it was strictly what the "newer" recruits wanted, that was the deal. Now, my regular events that I enjoyed were gone, totally gone. Except I had another day that was inconsistent with my schedule, so I guess filling grids is better than keeping a close community. We have had some consistent schedules, but they just kept me in the frustrated point. Again, I'm not having fun anymore. When it was brought up to post a few "non-mod" events the idea was discarded and the mod events continue, again, full grids make the community active. Sure active is good, but where's all the guys I raced with 6 months ago? GONE...are they coming back? Rarely. So, what I'm really saying is that I am unhappy with the direction that the NA community is headed. I've noticed lately that it has more and more influence from the EU community (I supposed this is okay because it keeps the grids full). Personally, I prefer smaller numbers and closer friendships without the smack-talk about how much faster you are, now, ask me if I care, I'm here having fun and letting go of my days frustrations. But I guess I will need to find another way to let these frustrations out in other games (yes, I play a lot of other games, but I've stuck with Race07/GTR-Evo over the last year because of the racing). This community has a lot to offer but alienating members and not listening to the community makes it wither just like not watering your plants. Eventually it will die...I know I've posted this kind of a thread before (last December) and I took a three week break, but, I've dismissed myself from the next 3 up-coming races because I would rather play something else, than feel frustrated. This is not my life, nor will it ever be (sorry if that statement offends, but it is the truth). Also, with the fun factor I had skinning that I found to be very enjoyable, now, I don't even want to do that, I just get frustrated thinking that all my hard work is in vain, so, I am probably going to hang up my PS skills for a bit too. Also, I have noticed that some of the regular members have gone to other sites, maybe this is something I should look into (I hate to put it this way, but it is true, without proper direction, not saying I could do better, I probably couldn't, but it is about the numbers, always about the numbers right?)
So with this I send Race Direction my resignation from any and all events (except the forums, where I will be not very active, but maybe a couple of posts to keep my membership active) and I don't know when I will return. I haven't made this decision on a whim, I've spent the better time over the last three weeks deciding what I am going to do...Give up what I love or continue to just be quiet and let it go, I can't be quiet about this and I don't want to, but I must give up what I love. I'm sorry RD, but I must go and find something else to do. You offered me what I wanted at one time, but now it is gone and I don't think it will come back anytime soon.
Now, there's the question of, why don't you (me) sign up for EU events? Why? 19:00 GMT is 3 pm my time, I work 10-12 hours a day now, and I don't get home until 7pm and I am up at 5am, so, where do I fit this into my schedule? I don't, it's that simple. I will when and if I can, but probably not because as I stated before, I'm not having fun anymore...Signing off!

Thanks RD for the skinning experience, That I truly enjoyed...
Tim M.
I know there's a forum spot for reporting such things, but from my experience, it hasn't helped me in anyway
From my experience, I can't recall you ever used it?

Although you have some points in your letter I think it would have been more respectful to those that organise the US events to do this by a simple private message.
Of all people you should know how much work Eric and Yves are putting in organising club AND league events for the US group of RD. You have been in the staff and had the chance to see for yourself how dedicated most of us are in getting things moving around here. In the role of staff you never gave any input and were passive when you promised Eric to help out with the league but you say you feel that nobody is listening? Maybe start talking will help next time :)

Like said there are some points in your post that need attention but the way you bring this now is completely wrong imho.
Hmm... I understand that you have time issues and dont enjoy racing anymore. And we will miss your skinjobs.

But i have one question...

Your issues with the NA community. Did you ever bring them up to Eric who was in charge of it, instead of suddenly just washing your dirty laundry in public?
I have plenty to say here, but I am taking care all day today of my 7 months old son. I will reply later. I am curious how many others feel that way. I would be more than happy to step down and let someone else run the NA community at RD.
I would be more than happy to step down

Haha no way mister :D Contract is contract. Here a picture we took when you signed up untill 2032: (see the small letters)

  • Matt Alpeter

Why are you guys attacking Tim? He made a very tough decision and you hound him about it? Couldn't that be done in a private message?

Since I only race "club events" my views are left to that arena. I love NA club events! I don't ever recall any bloodshed or bad feelings being aired after an event.

In fact , most of us are willing to share set ups and I personally post lap times just to frame what can or cannot be expected. I do this only to find out if my time is anywhere near a solid race speed so I am prepared for the event.

I wouldn't change anything at RD NA club events!

Every man is entitled to an opinion if it is stated fairly and constructively.

But at times, self censoring of public comments can be helpful not to "poison the well"
From my short time here, the NA club events have been nothing but a fun time for me. We got the enduro put together thanks to eric, and that was a blast. He made a thread about it first the community spoke and he obided (lol)

I havent really been here long enough to tell you how it was 6 months ago.
I find it very entertaining you would even choose to post such a long goodbye. If I were that unhappy with a website built around a video game I would either move on or contact in private the person in charge hoping to improve the operations. I certainly would not make for the 2nd time such a dramatic exit (I wonder if RD will survive after you leave?:)).

Now let me respond to all the personal attacks.

After Saturday's AF3k event I have decided that this game is no longer fun for me anymore. I haven't signed up for a NA event in about 3 weeks time as it is too frustrating to read atop my screen (Not Intentional) as the driver that has hit me drives away, this was awhile ago...I know there's a forum spot for reporting such things, but from my experience, it hasn't helped me in anyway, so usually I just slink back on track and try to avoid everyone that comes near me. Usually to the point of going off track to let them by because I don't want the contact...
The last complaint I got from you resulted on someone getting banned from the club. I dont know how much more the staff can do. If you dont report the incident we cant do anything about it. As for the reporting tool there it is here:

Watching the smack talk that goes on in the practice sessions and forums might be good for some, but turns me off and takes away from the fun of the event for me, I feel like there are people who are there to prove something and not just play a "game" but prove their manlyness at how fast they are or what-not!
Please report these threads as well. I dont think anyone encourage "smackdown" talk around here. However, boys will be boys and that happens I apologize in everyone's behave.

I remember when the NA community first started, our first race consisted of 3 or 4 of us and it was FUN! I learned a lot from the other drivers about how to run the track and the car. Now when I join an NA event its about who's speeding in the pit lane and there is just way too much politics playing out to get anything out of it. Where's the fun in that?
Politics? What kind of politics are we talking about? I must not be in the loop. Speeding in a pitlane? really? that is a major issue? especially that collisions are turned off in the pit lane. I dont understand how that can turn anyone off Simracing.

When another site closed down to join this one (I believe that's how it went, not too sure, I couldn't get a straight answer) all of the regular events that kept the NA community changed.
Again, you got all your facts wrong. Long before JCRacing "tried" to join RD, Yves posted a thread in the old NA forum asking people's preferances. A VAST majority voted to move the Tuesday races to Wedesday and not only race WTCC instead mix it up a little. Then a week or so later the JC guys joined us and we added a GT-PRO Tuesday event for them. Friday's STCC remained (and still is) unchanged. Sunday were always endurance days with various mods.

All of a sudden it was strictly what the "newer" recruits wanted, that was the deal.
I would be ashamed to event post these kind of mis-informed comments. The "new recruits" wanted a Tuesday night GT-Pro race that's all nothing else has changed.

Now, my regular events that I enjoyed were gone, totally gone.
Except I had another day that was inconsistent with my schedule, so I guess filling grids is better than keeping a close community.
Gone? You should be a little more specific what was gone? As for your conflicting schedule again I am sorry. I think 30 something people voted and most asked to race on Wednesday. I supposed we should have only asked what is convenient for Tim (who cares about the other 29 people).

We have had some consistent schedules, but they just kept me in the frustrated point. Again, I'm not having fun anymore. When it was brought up to post a few "non-mod" events the idea was discarded and the mod events continue, again, full grids make the community active.
Again, very humorous!! An inactive European person asked for the change while there were 17 US/Canadians racing that day?? Why havent you emailed me requesting a specific event? You know that I would have set pretty much anything you would like?

Sure active is good, but where's all the guys I raced with 6 months ago?
Tim, you dont stop amazing me!! You made almost the same post 6 months ago!!! complaining about everything and announcing your retirement? So, what is it? 6 months ago was bad? but now it is worst?

GONE...are they coming back? Rarely. So, what I'm really saying is that I am unhappy with the direction that the NA community is headed. I've noticed lately that it has more and more influence from the EU community (I supposed this is okay because it keeps the grids full). Personally, I prefer smaller numbers and closer friendships without the smack-talk about how much faster you are, now, ask me if I care, I'm here having fun and letting go of my days frustrations. But I guess I will need to find another way to let these frustrations out in other games (yes, I play a lot of other games, but I've stuck with Race07/GTR-Evo over the last year because of the racing). This community has a lot to offer but alienating members and not listening to the community makes it wither just like not watering your plants.
Again, I can't hear you if you dont speak up. Countless times I sent PM, created threads, setup polls asking for everyone's opinion. I ALWAYS picked what the majority wanted (and you complained about that above). What else can I do to listen to the community? Or should I listen to speechless Tim? It is very easy to criticize, but very hard to offer solutions.

Eventually it will die...I know I've posted this kind of a thread before (last December) and I took a three week break
I thought you said 6 months ago everything was perfect? again I am confused ??

Also, I have noticed that some of the regular members have gone to other sites, maybe this is something I should look into (I hate to put it this way, but it is true, without proper direction, not saying I could do better, I probably couldn't, but it is about the numbers, always about the numbers right?)
Go for it Tim and best of luck!!!

So with this I send Race Direction my resignation from any and all events (except the forums, where I will be not very active, but maybe a couple of posts to keep my membership active) and I don't know when I will return. I haven't made this decision on a whim, I've spent the better time over the last three weeks deciding what I am going to do...
Why bother? Obviously you sound so miserable here. Why would u even consider coming back? I mean really if I thought something was that bad I would never look back.

I work 10-12 hours a day now, and I don't get home until 7pm and I am up at 5am, so, where do I fit this into my schedule?
There we go again, I am a little tired listening to that same sorry line. Do you think you are the only with a job? I work 10+ hours a day, have a 7months old baby and a 12 years old step son, my wife works as well. I spend another 4~5 hours a day making sure you guys have a place to play. I plan the events, create the sign ups threads, setup the servers, run a league and still spend 4 hours a day with my family? Do you hear me complaining every other post? I also ALWAYS finish what I start. Can you say the same Tim? You were on the staff for a few months scheduled 2 Club events and decided it was too much work? You had the perfect chance to make that club what you wanted it to be? Did you? Should I even mention how many other promises you broke?

Bottom line is that I put a lot of energy and work into RD mostly because I like to see US/Canadian members happy. I have almost ZERO time to drive these days. I am happy to be able to do 1 league race every other week that's all my schedule allows. I have repeated it countless times that I am always opened to suggestions. Tim you have NEVER pmed me asking for an event XYZ, but you have the courage to come here and complaint about my efforts and work. It is even worst and more offensive that you have half of your facts wrong. Finally, what is even more absurd is that you were staff for 2~3 months and all you did during that time was to schedule 2 events and complained how time consuming that was!!

Peace and good luck!!
Tim you put some amazing skins together and I appreciate that. Regarding your exit post though, I just don't get it? If you are not having anymore fun, then say that and be done with it. The rest of it looked nothing more than an opening for the hard working people here at RD to try and respond to your complaints...although from what I've seen may be baseless?

The idea here is to have fun, and respect others with the rules that are in place (this is my interpretation). If someone gets hit, they have the ability to get it reviewed by the "marshalls" and appropriate action will be taken.

From what I've read of your post, I really did not see anything that was actionable on Eric's, or any of the other admins to do here but to respond to your complaints. Even that I question because they look like complaints and running something as huge as this will never please everyone.

I know it goes without saying, but the NA community has, in my opinion, been running flawlessly. Sure there are a few belly-achers, and a few boasters, but who cares that's just adults being kids LOL. This IS simracing and a little drama never hurts anyone. If it does, I'd say that those who are offended are just letting it get under their skin. It only bothers someone if they LET it :) Like water off a duck's back I say.

Eric, I know you weren't serious when you said you'd step down as you have been doing a stellar job - so don't post things like that just to show that you are flexible. We all know you, and the rest of the admins are flexible so I'd say that the statement of putting your head in the gauntlet was unecessary LOL.
I can't reply anything very constructive here. All i can say is a big THANKS to all the RD staff. You are seriously making a great job and it's nice to have a community like yours.

I'm sorry to be absent so much times these weeks, but schoolwork is hard and it's my priority. I'll race more often with you guys when i'll get more time. I think i missed more than the half of the AF3K season, and i am really disappointed with this. I think it's a misrespect for the staff and for the other drivers, maybe i took the place of someone at the start who could have the time to make all the races. But for a lot of different reasons (crashed PC, video card bug, special formation for school, road trip, etc..) i had to miss a lot of races.

I hope that you guys are not too much 'frustrated' about that and that we will continue to enjoy Sim-racing!
Well, first of all let me say that i will miss racing you Tim ( although this hasn't really happened in the last couple of weeks).
I will also miss your amazing skinning talent...but i do hope to see you and your skins back some time.

Secondly i tend to agree with Tim on a lot of issues he adressed. Yes the NA community has changed and that is also the reason i don't sign up for those events anymore. Both me and Tim were one of those regular guys back in the days that the NA was still small and social (made a lot of new friends in that time). And i can understand it if Tim says that isn't here anymore, i feel the same. I was and still am a euro guy but i considered myself a proud member of the NA community; at one time is was living at night and sleep during the day hours just so i could race and practice with my buddies.
To me the beauty of the NA comm. was that social stuff; we were even asked about upcoming events and were asked to give our input...loved that. But recently I asked for a non-mod event and i was told to wait until such a event was posted...also it was made very clear that filling up the grids is more important than the wish of a few (or maybe even a single) regular member.
This is not me pointing a finger at anyone but merely my own personal feeling and the reason why i think the NA comm has changed.

Thirdly i am very surprised by your reactions and i think that is exactly the reason why Tim isn't having fun anymore...i can probably expect the same but i don't care. Tim is venting out frustrations he has been having within 'our' once beloved NA community and he gets his head chewn off.
I can't understand that...
The NA community has come a long way and that is mainly thanks to Eric (credits where credits are due) but also thanks to those guys (including Tim and myself) who were always there no matter how full the grid was.
Hell, one of the best races i had was with 4 guys in 4 mini's @ Vara, and that was mainly because we were racing with friends and quite honoustly imo that's gone.

Again i am not pointing any fingers here so don't think that of me; we were all part in this so blaming someone isn't right.
Just wrote this to make clear that Tim is not the only one who feels that way. The only difference between Tim and me is that where i have the option of racing EU events, Tim has not. So yes the guy is understandably sad to have to make this decision. But dramatic? Come on we are all adults here, lets keep it civilized shall we?

Anyway, these are just my 2 cents.
Tim, again i am very sad to see you go...hope you will find some fun in playing other games, and pls don't give up on us entirely.
I hope the NA comm can get something of that old allure back...
I would be more than happy to step down and let someone else run the NA community at RD.

I would hope that you don't decide to step down. I personally believe from what I have seen that you have done a great job.

Regarding the other site (JC guys) I don't see where RD went out of their way for us by stopping other events, all I was was an interested group look out for other sim racers.

While I haven't signed up for alot of events, and the few GT Pro events I was able to do before lack of interest stopped them, I had a blast. I have read alot in the forums and I do join in a large number of practice servers. When time permits I join club races but most cases it is last minute due to scheduling. I have even joined EU club races and they are more then willing to let me in i there is room, therefore the same should be true for the US events. I don't see any reason that a US event should be limited to US/NA players only. If an RD member has the time to join any event and there is room, from my standpoint they are more than welcome.

Anyway keep up the good work, and hopefully scheduling and other items allow me to join more events in the future. This has been a great place for me, and I am happy to be here.
If Eric steps down, he'll just brainwash a new recruit to fulfill his commands... Anyhoo, job done, it's done and dusted, been there done that. Tim, I appreciate what you've done for RD, while I don't fully agree with your post, I feel it's fair to say goodbye and best of luck.

And kudos to RD and it's staff on doing a damn fine job with this cracking site. I hope to see many years through here. Great people, great community. Like one big happy family. Made a few friends too :)

So... Who wants waffles? :D
Tim you're post really aggravates me. It feels like an attack on Eric. I have nothing but appreciation for Yves and Eric for all the hard work and leadership they have brought to the table. This is a great community. I feel apart of this because of everyone involved and especially Eric.

You could have gone about an exit in a different way, Maybe with a little more class and respect. Things are going very well and you just took a big dump on top of everything. I never thought I would have a bad word to send in your direction as I thought the world of you until now. This just blows my mind. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :pissed-off::pissed-off::pissed-off::pissed-off::pissed-off::pissed-off:
Well, I'll chime in on this discussion as I have experience with other sites that went different directions as well. I was one of the "recruits" that came over from JCRacing.net. As a matter of a fact, I was the guy that orchastrated the move and tried to bring a dozen drivers with me but it didn't happen. Anyway, let me first and formost say that everything that Eric does should be appreciated here. He spends tons of his own time organizing and supporting this community. IMO he goes way above the call of duty.

Second, I can understand your frustrations Tim regarding a site that you think is going a different direction than you like. JCRacing converted from a gtr2 site over to evo for a little while and then to Iracing which essentially caused many of us to leave. It was frustrating to go thru that but Eric was accomidating and willing to help us transition. The transition went down EXACTLY as Eric said in his post. The weekly race that was on tuesday had just moved to wednesday so we asked if we could set up a tuesday race in attempt to attract the rest of the JC guys.

Mainily it sounds like a scheduling problem for you Tim. RD isn't racing the stuff that you like. With the absence of the GT pros, I have that same issue. When you have a site the size and popularity of RD, one voice isn't enough to make changes. Do you know how many opinions that Eric probably gets about schedule, cars, track, times... etc....

I've seen people leave communities like RD and burn bridges by firing off nasty posts etc... AND I'd suggest that anyone that ever takes a break from RD (or any community) keep in mind that you may want to keep these bridges in tact as this is the best place to race on the net.

Thanks to you Eric and all the other staff for your efforts!!!
With the absence of the GT pros, I have that same issue.

Thanks to you Eric and all the other staff for your efforts!!!

Jarrod, you really should consider racing on Wednesdays or Fridays even tho the GT cars aren't used. the racing is GREAT! we'll give you setups etc. that help out as well! cmon on in the waters warm!:laugh2:

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