F1 2015 Upcoming Codemasters F1 league for PS4..?

F1 2015 The Game (Codemasters)
There will be more leagues that currently shown in the F1 2015 leagues forum.

Some of the current leagues are finishing off their F1 2014 season, and others are yet to decide on the platform they will be using, others may not be continuing. I hope more will go up soon, we have about 3 weeks to go before the newly scheduled release date (July 10th)

The changeover to F1 2015 is not as easy as it was in previous years, as PS3 and Xbox360 owners have now been left behind, so they might not want or might not be able to upgrade to the Xbox One & PS4

Apply via this link if you want to start your own league
thx, Graham! I'll be lookin'out on how it develops on forums. I'd be happy to hear from peeps that (like me) wanna go race on the new game (PS4).:thumbsup:

This league might be the best option and might be moving to the PS4. Reading the thread linked to below, it seem that a good few of them have expressed an interest in moving to F1 2015 PS4.

Nothing official yet, but there's nothing stopping you introducing yourself to them and expressing an interest in the PS4, by posting in their F1 2014 forum :)
