Upgrade menu in showroom ?


Apologize in advance for my ignorance.
I am new to Rfactor 2.
I am fighting with ffb and my G25
It is all but not easy or trivial, but I think I am on the right path.

M'y question is about upgrade in the showroom. I dowloaded the 911cup from enduracer, which was my favorite mod at that time with Rfactor.
They say that ffb upgrade is available in showroom upgrade menu. Impossible for me to find this. I have installed the mod from steam workshop.

Thanks for helping
M'y question is about upgrade in the showroom. I dowloaded the 911cup from enduracer, which was my favorite mod at that time with Rfactor.
They say that ffb upgrade is available in showroom upgrade menu. Impossible for me to find this. I have installed the mod from steam workshop.
I believe 911 Cup is the original rFactor mod from Enduracers and it has the FFB upgrade in the showroom. Their rF2 mod is called Flat6 and it has no FFB upgrade option.
Not sure to understand 100%.
I have the flat6 mod. Then it seems normal not to have the ffb upgrade.
It is not very clear on the endurancer website
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I believe the setting used to be there, but was removed as the mod was updated*, and the website was probably never updated to reflect that.

(*Which is good, tbh, because that's a bad way to do FFB IMO.)