AC [US Server] Ferrari 599xx EVO @ Mugello 9 July 2014

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I'm alternating moments of: "ok it seems I'm getting to know the car" to "what the f#*&! Car of my ar$e! I hate this game! I hate you Kunos! I'll burn the pc down and then give it to the dog! $#/@!

Short story: I'm not consistent :)
It's like a: "let's go picnic"!!!

And then we've @Marco Waechter #63.... :confused:!!
1:45... dude!! :thumbsup:

If you look close, notice I did my time with Medium tires :). I had about 30L of fuel in the car also. I cant brag or anything because I will probably fall apart during the race :(.

@Saleem Hodge ...kinda weird because other than adjusting for increased braking distance and a little less grip, I didn't seem to have too much problems. After getting used to the car, I think I knocked off a good second in time because I felt like I was over-driving the car, and braked earlier and went smoother through corners.. I just hope I can remember what I was doing last night and it can follow through to tonight.
Add me too please! I'm tired as hell today but, I don't want to pass this one up and if Saleem is struggling, I might be able to run with him for a lap or two! :)
Welcome back dean!

I'm struggling. Haven't even tried this car yet with the hard tires. And I'm not even going to attempt at running this race without them.
@Fred Locklear Before I forget!!
I've discovered (at least, I think...) what causes those lag/spikes during the race.
I'm pretty positive is Shadowplay. Not sure if it's the benchmark numbers in the corner or what, but when I ran the game with SP on today it happened the same thing of Magione: long spike and PC stalled.
I've tried different tests: I switched off all the apps on the hud and left only shadow play: same thing.
I then turned off SP and left all the apps on screen: smooth and fine.
I wish I didn't have this issue cause I really liked the idea of having a full hour race to upload on youtube... But I'd rather prefer to have a "lag-less" race versus a "memory" of my miserable wrong turn because SP f**** up... if it has to be: it must be me! :D
One last note: if anyone wants to add me on steam my user is ::Skro::
See you later!
@Emilio Collavino I did a couple of races without recording races and I was getting some mini hangs so I had kinda ruled out shadowplay. I think it is something to do with the netcode for the game, since I have absolutely no problems using shadowplay during hotlapping.

It could be something like windows update trying to do something while I am in mid race. I havent really had problems with the stutters. One of these days I will finally get a SSD and not have to worry about things taking up hard drive time.
@Emilio Collavino I did a couple of races without recording races and I was getting some mini hangs so I had kinda ruled out shadowplay. I think it is something to do with the netcode for the game, since I have absolutely no problems using shadowplay during hotlapping.

It could be something like windows update trying to do something while I am in mid race. I havent really had problems with the stutters. One of these days I will finally get a SSD and not have to worry about things taking up hard drive time.
Do you have a desktop that changes images? This can cause such a problem.
You know something I just thought of... I sometimes have my web browser up during race time for some reason or another. I also have an RSS reader that is sometimes loaded in the sidebar, and it updates the feeds every 10 or so minutes. If it has trouble retrieving info from a feed it sometimes hangs my browser until it refreshes/times out. That may have been my problem.

I havent had a problem in the last race or so so I really don't know what was causing it.
2-Eleven Lesson #14:
How to hit the apex.

Hitting the apex while racing on a track is one of the most important aspects in getting a good laptime. Today I show you how to accurately hit those apexes, and shave seconds off your laptimes.


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