Use a seq shifter alongside wheel paddles?


Hi does anyone know of a utility that would let me map both a sequential shifter and the wheel paddles to R3E?

The sim has an 'either/or' approach - I figure if I can get a utility that could make both sets of shifters generate the same keycode, that'd work?

Anyone do such a thing?

I use SimHub, but can't even get buttons swapping displays either !

What a schmuck. Help!
Use JoyToKey. This will enable you to map your paddles and seq shifts to keyboard presses. So for example you map the up shift on the paddles and seq shifter to Q on your keyboard. In the game you map up shift to Q. Job done!
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If both devices have independent ids, use Autohotkey to create a script that maps the buttons to the same action. For instance, 0 key to dowshift and 9 key to upshift. Then, map those keys in the games to downshift and upshift. You can use a script to detect what id corresponds to each device, or run JoyIDs to control what numbers you want.

Example of a launcher for Dirt Rally. What follow the ";" are comments. If you need as a resident script (not as a launcher), or for other game, or with different values, etc. just tell me. I can also easily compile it, if you need it.

#singleinstance force
Menu, Tray, Tip, DiRT Rally Launcher

run drt.exe ; place the compiled script in the game folder
sleep 3000
DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, 960, int, 1080) ; moves the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen
sleep 3000
settimer, closelauncher, 5000 ; when the game is not detected the script closes

$3joy1:: ; upshift
$4joy1:: ; stacking two hotkeys means that both perform the following code
setkeydelay, 10, 50 ; neccesary for the game to detect it
send, 9

$3joy2:: ; downshift
setkeydelay, 10, 50
send, 0

closelauncher: ; timer for closing the script
ifwinnotexist, ahk_exe drt.exe
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