V3 pedal issue

Had my new v3 pedals for about 3weeks now, but the brake pedal is saying it's a 70 percent on..I have done a reflash of software and it has sort of fixed it..but you can still see the brake pedal bar flickering on and of to about 3 or 4, and when I turn it back on the next day ,it will probably go back even worse.. Any idea what's going on here and how I can fix it? I have also took out the 2 cotton things in the damper and greased them,but no joy
Try unplugging and then re-plugging them and only into a USB 2.0 port.
Fanatec pedals can be very finicky where ports are concerned.
I believe they should have looked a long time ago at this issue.
I went through and changed multiple sensors and a main board, before finally giving up and accepting things for what they are with this brand.
Sometimes mine won't show up as active...sometimes the throttle won't go full range...sometimes the clutch will be partially on...other times they'll work great for weeks.
I can usually get around any of the issues with a simple disconnect and reconnect.
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Yes I only plug the power is in, don't use the other one as it never picked up..but it was working fine for 1st week ,done a 're flash as I say,but I find when I pull the brake pedal back toward me ,it then goes to zero...which is what I want..So I don't understand that,as if it need bend backward a bit or something,
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