Vanilla Balance Mod Beta - Testers Wanted

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This mod has now been released. All the changes are listed in the above link. If a Forum Admin is reading this, if you could remove the "Testers Wanted" and change it to "Development Discussion" thread, it would be appreciated.


Note: In attempts to fix the interviews and dilemmas, I have temporarily removed all non English languages from those two files. I hope to reinsert them into a later version (but when I do, they'll still be the vanilla text as I am unable to translate in any other language).

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Thanks people. I really appreciate your helps and tips. 2 new games and every time this bug. Will try my luck and continue my game. If it gets dead then I will try a new one. If that gets it too, need to stop playing until working patch.
You've had it twice?

Whats your process? Are you doing the same team? Always filling up the queue with the same number of people? If you are able to describe accurately what you've done between starting a new game and discovering the bug, I might be able to replicate the issue and narrow down the code I'm looking at.

I just did a test with Eastwood (No scouting facility) and Stienman (level 1 facility). I put about 10 drivers in the queue and scouted them all. So far, I cannot replicate the problems you're having.

In the meanwhile, keep your scouting queue short, or simply only scout new drivers once the old ones have finished. That might decrease the issues.
Okey choose Archer. First Season. Queue every unscouted driver (and I mean all of them) in the list. So far so good nothing happens. Build Scouting Facility. After its completed add the new unscouted drivers to the list too.

I am not complete sure but until I build the Scouting Facility nothing happens. If my present game turns death then in my new game I will not build the Scouting facility and see what that changes.

In the mean while as you sad I scout only the same number drivers as I have slots. That means for now only 2 drivers at the same time.
Maybe it's linked to having people in the queue when the new Scouting facility is built, and it bugs with the extra slot it suddenly has.

I build a Scouting Facility, but I had no-one being scouted when the building was ready, and I've had zero issues.
I cannot replicate the issue even following that principle.

As a test, I set all scout tasks to last 1-2 days. And I set the Scouting Facility to be built in half a day. I then chose Archer, loaded everyone into the queue, allowed 7 days to pass scouting about 5 people. Built the facility, loaded everyone else, and scouted until the first race started - about a dozen people,

I didn't have a single repeat email.

So the problem is a lot deeper than this, and a longer term issue - and without a starting trigger its doubtful I can see where the error arrives - as is a common problem with intermittent issues.

One note however: is when I load the queue with everybody, I'm noticing a slight loss of framerate as the game tries to load them all and keeping them all present in the scrollbar. It's not impossible (but it is very unlikely) that the game engine cannot quite cope with that amount of drivers in the queue at once, and some type of memory leak is happening causing the code to skip some statement - which is causing a sort of 'cancer' effect where the game now sends up ever growing amounts of mails.

So if you do end up having to restart, keep that in mind and keep your queue short and let it become empty once in a while.
Just downloaded your latest update and will be testing it in a bit. Thanks for fixing the "retired" drivers bug, at least I didn't have to wait for an official patch. I noticed a bug that the "Chaser" trait is activated when going 1st in a race instead of being 2nd, must be a mix up somewhere. Have you checked on this while making modifications? Thanks for your efforts.
Not forgotten about you...

So, in Personalty Traits Asset, Chaser is given a Special Effect named "P2" - which makes sense, it implies it should activate when in P2.

However, in the DLL you find this.


It seems the in P2 Case (top) activates in the same "posisition" as the P1 Case (bottom). It seems the dear developers forgot to change the StandinsPosition == 1 into ==2. Which is why you're seeing it activate wrong.

I've added it to my list of things to edit in my next build. (note to self: 185)

Hopefully that will sort it. It'll be in the next experimental version I release.
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I cannot replicate the issue even following that principle.

As a test, I set all scout tasks to last 1-2 days. And I set the Scouting Facility to be built in half a day. I then chose Archer, loaded everyone into the queue, allowed 7 days to pass scouting about 5 people. Built the facility, loaded everyone else, and scouted until the first race started - about a dozen people,

I didn't have a single repeat email.

So the problem is a lot deeper than this, and a longer term issue - and without a starting trigger its doubtful I can see where the error arrives - as is a common problem with intermittent issues.

One note however: is when I load the queue with everybody, I'm noticing a slight loss of framerate as the game tries to load them all and keeping them all present in the scrollbar. It's not impossible (but it is very unlikely) that the game engine cannot quite cope with that amount of drivers in the queue at once, and some type of memory leak is happening causing the code to skip some statement - which is causing a sort of 'cancer' effect where the game now sends up ever growing amounts of mails.

So if you do end up having to restart, keep that in mind and keep your queue short and let it become empty once in a while.

Thanks again for the support. I will definitely keep it in mind not to overload the list if I start a new game.
I have downloaded and installed your 1.2g version now, and installed it successfully, just before the start of the new pre-season. I am using the experimental version 2 with the yellow flags and safety car changes.

I am in pre-season right now, so I don't know how any of these changes impact the game yet, as I have only just purchased my new chassis.

As I progress through this next season in my game I will report any issues if I find any, and just try and give some general thoughts and feedback on the gameplay and the changes you have made to the game.
Okey FlamingRed, look at these.
Click Instant Qualify an this is how it resulted.
Too Fast-1.jpg
Take always save before Pra-Qua-Race so loaded the save and tried again Instant Qualify.
Too Fast-2.jpg
And again for the 3th time.
Too Fast-3.jpg
Any ideas?
Note: For the 4th time did the Qualify myself. Was a rainy day everyone was on Inters or wets. Waited for the rain to decrease and got with Super Softs :D
Do It Yourself.jpg
Nice job on the mod TFR. I have a couple of questions. What difficulty level are the experimental versions at? The non-experimental assemblies are rated from Very Easy to Troublesome. Also, the ReadMe doesn't mention what to do with the [ModdedTexts] in the Asset folder. Do you use the AssetBundleExtractor to Import into resources.assets? Are the modded texts required? Thanks for your hard work.
Okey FlamingRed, look at these.
Click Instant Qualify an this is how it resulted.
View attachment 167962
Take always save before Pra-Qua-Race so loaded the save and tried again Instant Qualify.
View attachment 167963
And again for the 3th time.
View attachment 167964
Any ideas?
Note: For the 4th time did the Qualify myself. Was a rainy day everyone was on Inters or wets. Waited for the rain to decrease and got with Super Softs :D
View attachment 167965

I like it, don't set a time and get some poles.

Don't know. Don't think it's mod related, I haven't changed how the sims run. And nice pole, alas, it's great when it pays off like that on a drying track.

Nice job on the mod TFR. I have a couple of questions. What difficulty level are the experimental versions at? The non-experimental assemblies are rated from Very Easy to Troublesome. Also, the ReadMe doesn't mention what to do with the [ModdedTexts] in the Asset folder. Do you use the AssetBundleExtractor to Import into resources.assets? Are the modded texts required? Thanks for your hard work.

The experiments versions are all on the Challenging difficulty. They're based entirely on my current save game which I am now playing, and adjusting when I see something I want to change.

The modded texts are only there as a convince for people who want to merge my mod with others, such as Enzoli's mod. If your just using this mod, you don't need them at all.
I thought so too. So it seems my game's slowly breaking down.

It's unlikely that's related to your scouting issue, it's on the complete opposite side of the game
There used to be a vanilla issue where a car would set a pole time of 15sec while everyone else was doing 1:45's. This is more similar to that, with a 0s rather then a 15s

It's probably got something to do with how the simulation handled the changing conditions. Keep going, see if it happens some more.
I'm back ;)
i had plenty of time to test your MOD. First i have to say, awsome job, well done Flaming.

  • Chassis Overhaul/CarPartDesing +++ one of the best parts of this mod, just wow!!! do i go for a stable car at the beginning of the season or do i want to improve fast... great addition
  • PersonalityTraits (BUT here's also something i don't like and i feel is quite unrealistic; more later) ++
  • Safety Car's (Laps Range) +++ man this can add some interesting scenarions to the race, holy smokes... :)
  • Tech Boost & Decay +++ as CarPartDesign adds a new dimension to the game
  • Part Costs +++ now we have start managing costs; do i go all out this season or stack some cash for the next one, big impovement. managing the budget for the new chassis becomes a viable option to alter your current finances
  • Game Time +++ (Big Thank You!!!) skipping some less exciting parts of the race... ;)
  • Scouting Slots Limitation +++ finally limiting the scouting area. was too easy to scout the list
  • Political System +++ ; this adds so much to replayability, sometimes it can reshuffle the whole championship
Cons: as of now there's only one thing i really don't like with a passion ;)
  • the changes to Player Traits is all nice BUT it can "ruin" the game a bit. the duration of certain traits needs some serious rebalancing in my opinion. i like the varation in length but some traits last for too long, both in positive and negative way. for example a driver is listed as injured with "neck problems" for 30/40 weeks... that's far too long. 2-4 weeks is realistic. plus you have to take into cosideration the debuffs a driver will have. in the case i described above Perez got -20 in consistency & fitness. his neck problems ruined his season, he started hot and turned into less than average. on the other hand if i driver like Magnussen/Sainz turn into Michael Schumacher for 50-90 weeks because of some dubious trait and start to appear in the TOP 5 on a regular basis it gets frustraiting... i know Flaming you have to start somewhere and you heavily rely on feedback from guys using your mod in order to fine tune your work step by step.
to sum it up: well done, well done fella!!!!! :thumbsup:
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I'm back ;)
i had plenty of time to test your MOD. First i have to say, awsome job, well done Flaming.

  • Chassis Overhaul/CarPartDesing +++ one of the best parts of this mod, just wow!!! do i go for a stable car at the beginning of the season or do i want to improve fast... great addition
  • PersonalityTraits (BUT here's also something i don't like and i feel is quite unrealistic; more later) ++
  • Safety Car's (Laps Range) +++ man this can add some interesting scenarions to the race, holy smokes... :)
  • Tech Boost & Decay +++ as CarPartDesign adds a new dimension to the game
  • Part Costs +++ now we have start managing costs; do i go all out this season or stack some cash for the next one, big impovement. managing the budget for the new chassis becomes a viable option to alter your current finances
  • Game Time +++ (Big Thank You!!!) skipping some less exciting parts of the race... ;)
  • Scouting Slots Limitation +++ finally limiting the scouting area. was too easy to scout the list
  • Political System +++ ; this adds so much to replayability, sometimes it can reshuffle the whole championship
Cons: as of now there's only one thing i really don't like with a passion ;)
  • the changes to Player Traits is all nice BUT it can "ruin" the game a bit. the duration of certain traits needs some serious rebalancing in my opinion. i like the varation in length but some traits last for too long, both in positive and negative way. for example a driver is listed as injured with "neck problems" for 30/40 weeks... that's far too long. 2-4 weeks is realistic. plus you have to take into cosideration the debuffs a driver will have. in the case i described above Perez got -20 in consistency & fitness. his neck problems ruined his season, he started hot and turned into less than average. on the other hand if i driver like Magnussen/Sainz turn into Michael Schumacher for 50-90 weeks because of some dubious trait and start to appear in the TOP 5 on a regular basis it gets frustraiting... i know Flaming you have to start somewhere and you heavily rely on feedback from guys using your mod in order to fine tune your work step by step.
to sum it up: well done, well done fella!!!!! :thumbsup:

Welcome back!

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying the mod. It seems like a lot of my changes are having the intended effects.

Its a shame you dislike the driver trait system, even in its current form, it throws up some interesting circumstance.

Things such as the Neck Problem debuff is actually designed to by 'Crippling' - it was a design choice to make it so powerful and for so long. I'd like to change the title to "Sever Neck Problems" but I've realised that the 'text' (both title and description) is actually a graphic file - one where I don't know where it is. As such, I cannot change the 'meaning' of the trait like I originally desired. Additionally, I wanted those particular debuffs to really impact your yearly strategy - i.e., if Perez gets '(Sever) Neck Problems' then it's likely he's not going to be able to compete in the races at all, and that the player should promote (temporarily) the Reserve Driver to take his place. This is done to try and give the Reserve Driver a role, as commonly its simple to play though the entire game never having a dedicated reserve driver (excluding the $1,000 a race rolling contract 0.5 star ones) which can save the player a mass of money.

In short, it was meant to ruin Perez's season. It was meant to be a random event which makes the player move to (or create) a contingency plan. I feel the main issue is, is that the severity of how I've changed the debuff isn't explained to the player, as its stored as a graphics file beyond my reach.

On the other hand, the issue of another buff causing "Magnussen/Sainz turn into Michael Schumache" is only really a bad thing because you're looking at real names, and looking at the chances that this would happen in real life, realising that its less then 1% and thinking 'that will never happen'. It's less of an issue when you see these all as just 'fictional' names, or you accept that really anything can happen in the game. I always feel that Kimi Raikkonen was just a 4* driver, who was in the best car in 2007, and had a good 'Buff' to bring him upto 5* for that season.

But in conclusion I can see your argument too if you're trying to play a real life mod. Open the Personality Traits in Excel (as a .csv) and have a look at them all. There 277 traits and you can adjust everything there. Feel free to make and share an alternate PersonailityTraits.txt with us, and I'll add it to the Modded Texts folder in future versions, for people to import as an alternative.
hi flaming
i Change some part condition, do u know where can i find the --- Minimum condition for a part that the AI put it in the car---?

sometimes i have the Feeling the AI drive with 50% parts
These two variables are probably used.

private static readonly float carImprovementReliabilityMinAggression = 1f;
private static readonly float carImprovementReliabilityMaxAggression = 0.5f;

Looks to be used with hit:

public void FitPartsWithMinReliability()
        CarManager carManager = this.mTeam.carManager;
        float num = Mathf.Lerp(TeamAIController.carImprovementReliabilityMinAggression, TeamAIController.carImprovementReliabilityMaxAggression, this.mTeam.aiWeightings.mAggressiveness);
        for (int i = 0; i < CarManager.carCount; i++)
            Car car = carManager.GetCar(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < car.currentPart.Length; j++)
                CarPart carPart = car.currentPart[j];
                if (carPart.stats.reliability < num)
                    CarPart suitablePartForCar = this.GetSuitablePartForCar(carManager, carPart, num);
                    if (suitablePartForCar != null)
First glance, is that depending on the agressivness of the team, they'll fit a part either 50% minumum or 100% minimum, or the highest if those conditions cannot be meant. It appears elsewhere they'll take their highest stat parts and improve those to either 50% or 100% on a first come first serve basis.

I've not studied it properly, it may be acting differently.
Flaming what happens if I choose to copy your latest experimental assembly-file over the one I use right now (Easy Mode). will my difficulty level stay the same...??? if not could you upload the latest modified ass.file with all the difficulty levels available. and can i overwrite it and continue to play my ongoing save?
Hi FlamingRed. A little bored today so tried some funny stuff. I am not a programmer or moder so not perfect with it but trying to get the hang of it. Just played with resources.assets(Driver Stat Progression) a bit. It's quite enjoyable.

Real Improvement.jpg Real Improvement (2).jpg

Now making changes to "Regen Nationality Weighting", want to see If I can change regens Nationality variety.
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Hello TheFlamingRed, thank you for enormous work! I have a question about your chassis overhaul. Does increasing stars in Tyre wear STILL affects actual tyre wear, or its now only affcets base redzone?
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