Vanilla Balance Mod Beta - Testers Wanted

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This mod has now been released. All the changes are listed in the above link. If a Forum Admin is reading this, if you could remove the "Testers Wanted" and change it to "Development Discussion" thread, it would be appreciated.


Note: In attempts to fix the interviews and dilemmas, I have temporarily removed all non English languages from those two files. I hope to reinsert them into a later version (but when I do, they'll still be the vanilla text as I am unable to translate in any other language).

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;) but still hidden in that tooltip. I onky ever hovered over it to see how happy a person is or isn't with a car, most the time, I am happy enough with the faces I didn't even check. Even within the tooltip, it's the least prominent bit of information on it.

For the game which has such a good UI - that bit of information is really easy to miss.
You are definitively right on that one. It's easy to miss. But it isn't a tooltip because I did turn off tooltips in my game.

So since changing parts and swapping drivers effect the outcome of the expected position I would say that is the value that the game uses for the calculation.
Well, maybe not a help text tooltip but it is a tooltip in the way that you need to hover over something to see the effect.

Here's a good test to see if fanbase increases then:

Between each race, take off all your upgraded parts and put on all the basic parts. That makes your car worse, which makes your drivers expected championship position to be lower. And only put on good cars for the races.

See if that has an effect on helping fanbase to grow.
Basically you want me to see if fan base changes between races and not only after the race results, is that right?

So all I have to do is let the car stay in original parts between races and put the developed parts only during race day and again after race put on the originals.

Side Note: Reserve stats quadrupled
Driver 2 Seat.jpg Reserve Seat.jpg
Yep, I know the fanbase is updated daily. So if you cheat the game by making it thin for 25 days out of 30 that your expected position is worse then it is, it may grow your fanbase. That would show it's working as intebded, just hard to raise
I think I am close to updating the mod tonight / tomorrow.

Baring any easy fixes to the Fanbase system (which I am wondering if are needed - it might just be a hard stat to raise, as you need to have both the car and both drivers above expectations - all my other desired changes are complete. Either way, if it's not going to be a simple fix, I'll leave it for an experimental patch or the next patch.
Does fan base change anything, like income from brand buildings (tour center, theme park - in these buildings descriptions fans are mentioned but not road factory)

I've heard it does, it's something I mentioned to Red. I have a feeling we were always getting the base amounts from them because we never had more than 0.1m fans. There is no way they intended for those buildings to always take 20 years for them to pay for themselves.

Oh, and Rodrigues is having a tough time in my save now -

In decline and driving for MacNeil in ERS.
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1.2H Released

Okay! I have completely fixed and overhauled the Interviews! They work splendidly for the most part. There may still be a few options hidden in the code that aren't activating yet, but I'll unlock them as I play the game.

I will ask anyone who thinks they get an odd Interview question (or crash) let me know about it - I can change how they activate

Rule Changes
I now want to talk about Rule Changes... Namely Rules which currently do Extremely little:

  • Pitlane Speeds - Have been seperated more. You will now have a seemingly slow pitlane or a fast one depending on the rule
  • 12 Tyre Allocations - Has been reduced to 9 so now you really have to manage when you use tyres.
  • Costs! These have been increased. It seems the AI can cope with them better due to their new Development Cost Reductions.
    • Pitstops (+£50,000 between Small and Large Pitcrews) - This has quite a large effect anyway with regard to simultaneous pitstops. The price increase is a very secondary consideration.
    • Refueling (+£50,000 between No refueling and refueling equipment) - Again, price is a very secondary consideration, whether refueling helps or hinders you is a more important decision.
    • Tyre Supplyer Costs (£10,000 and £100,000 dependning on which of the two suppliers) - Performance now costs a lot. Cost is now a key consideration when when considering the tyre supplier.
    • Tyre types (Road Tyres, Performance Tyres, Slicks. These are £50,000, £100,000, £150,000, £200,000 and £250,000) - again, performance now costs a lot and depending on how the votes go, you can now lose a lot of money per race.
All in all, there's a new tactic: Either reduce costs for yourself by voting in cheaper rules - allowing you to invest in other areas. Or Increase the costs, which while will bump up your costs, will also increase the costs for the AI - who may then begin to struggle with money and cease developing (despite their bonuses).

Morale Changes
"Happiness with Car" and "Comparison with Teammates Car" have been altered. Happy Faces will keep the status-quo. Orange faces will be a slight decrease in morale, and Red faces will be a big loss in morale.

Redzone Changes
I realised I have accidently added some Redzone to Risky Parts... these have been removed.

As a new feature, any component which has a +/-Reliability change will NOT incur the +10 redzone penality. This is to increase the importance, and thus the incentive, for players to choose a +/- Reliability Part.

This means, the +10 Redzone will ONLY occur on:

  • Stock Parts.
  • Which Have a +Performance or +MaxPerformance Stat
It will NOT occur on
  • Designer slot Only Parts.
  • Parts which already mention Redzone
  • Parts which mention reliability
  • Parts which are Risky.

Race Balance
Adjusted the spread of cars (from worst to best). I am trying to create some closer racing while maintaining that you cannot win a race with just a midfield team. If I've inadvertently made the races too easy again. please report back and I'll look at it some more. As you know, finding the best balance is just a matter of tweaking and experimenting.

Personal Stats

I have adjusted the user stat increases to increase more uniformly.

  1. RaceManagement. Increases/Decreased by 10% a race, depending on your position. This means that if you have a good season, its going to increase by ~1 per season (10 races) to ~1.6 (16 races).
  2. FinanceManagement increases by 2% per week. It therefore increases by ~1 per season (52 weeks). It will go down 2% any week you are in the red.
  3. LoyalityManagement increases by 3% per week. It therefore increases by ~1.5 per season (52 weeks). It will decrease by 50% if you change teams - which is fair. By default. it goes down by 20% for any firing you commit. As the penalties are big, it is expected that the ~1.5 increase a season will pan out to be an average of 1. Let me know how it all works out.

Things that are put off until the next version
  1. Fanbase still isn't working as intended. I want to do more investigation
  2. Suspension radio messages are apparently still the wrong way around. I want a full list of what else is wrong before I look for and fix that.
  3. I thought it was in my head, but someone else now believes that having an INCREASE in rubber on the track actually makes everyone slower, not quicker. I'll need to look into it completely.--- oddly, i cant find any evidence that track rubber does anything to race pace at all
  4. Tweets and Stuff - I still need to make a proper post on it.
  5. Increase the amount of tweets you get per session.
  6. (forgot to put my interview modded text in the asset folder. The changes are in the file, I just forgot the text file for merging mods)
User Note

If you find an Interview which either (1) does make sense for your race event or (2) crashes the game (yes, they can do that if you somehow get into a situation where a race result contractions all the avaialble interview question conditions) please let me know so I can have a look and fix it.

Patience is advised in case this does indeed happen. It should be a quick fix.
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Great work again FlamingRed. Downloading it now. Try tomorrow.

Qucik Edit: There are two Personality Traits files in Modded Text folder ( mPersonality Traits, oPersonailtyTraits). Seems they are slightly different. Is one an older version?
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Hey FlamingRed was looking between old and new personal traits and found this;

173,Fight With Stewards,PSG_10005527,They need to learn how to back off.,PSG_10005528,Temp,Yes,8-16,PostRace,CarStatus = Crashed || Retired,15,,,Source = FightWithStewards,PlayerDriverOnly,,,,,,,,,,,NeckInjury,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Looks like it has no effect.
Hi guys,

first of all - nice work with this mod. It puts much more (needed) depth to the game. But the morale change is really harch and should be adjusted. I just started a new game with Predator and i get it, why no driver with some brains would drive such a bad car, but after the first two races my drivers moral is rock bottom. My newly signed rookie with 2 1/4 stars is already considering offers to leave, because of a moral drop of 49 % per race. In reality a person would know what they have gotten into - so i guess it would be best to tweek the drivers opinion and what it does for the moral.
View attachment 168498

With this morale changes in worst car in the field it will never be possible to make a new contracts with youre drivers. Is it intended?

Yep, but it's still in the early stage. Could be some bugs or need some adjustment.

If you find an Interview which either (1) does make sense for your race event or (2) crashes the game (yes, they can do that if you somehow get into a situation where a race result contractions all the avaialble interview question conditions) please let me know so I can have a look and fix it.
Patience is advised in case this does indeed happen. It should be a quick fix.

Not about the Interviews but the "Happiness with Car" and "Comparison with Teammates Car". As in schweini's picture above and the one below, shouldn't green faces have + effects.

Green but Minus.jpg
A thought that crossed my mind right now, to tweek the moral - is it possible to adjust the increase of moral to the raceresult your driver gets? For example, i started new just right now again and got an other driverpair (one in the lasts save had the "mean" perk, and with the new moralsystem it wrecked my team, because neither drivers moral did increase even bit) and i get decent results in the first four races with Predator, which are expected to end last. So if my drivers manages to end up in places between 10 and 16 (yeah, i really had some luck), that should give them more then just +5 moral.

So what im saying is, if you finish higher then your expected to be, then you should get more moral then it is just now. Im not sure, how far you can adjust this. Something like with the interviews would be nice. Better then 2 places + 10 Moral, 4 places + 15 and so on.
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