Plugins Vehicle Texture Swap [Deleted]

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Fiddi submitted a new resource:

[Plugin] Vehicle Texture Swap - Easier way to change textures of the vehicles

This plugin makes it a lot easier to install and try out the different reskins of the (so far) Hayosiko van and the Ruscko.

Simply drop the textures you want to try out or use in the Assets folder under VehicleTextureSwap followed by the name of the vehicle (loads only the files listed in filelist.txt). Keep in mind they must be correctly named.

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Great mod! So useful with what I've been doing with the vehicles. By any chance you possibly add motorparts_atlas_spec.tex&car_lights_on.tex support? A lot of vehicles use these both. Also wondering if you'll be adding satsuma support?
Great mod! So useful with what I've been doing with the vehicles. By any chance you possibly add motorparts_atlas_spec.tex&car_lights_on.tex support? A lot of vehicles use these both. Also wondering if you'll be adding satsuma support?

As I said in the description, I couldn't find any reference to the specular maps, and regarding the lights, that's considerably harder considering that's a texture that's changing dynamically whenever you turn on the lights. I'm not sure how I would do that.

Why no support for the satsuma? The one vehicle im most interested in editing? lol

Yes, the Satsuma is incoming. I was trying to find a good way to be able to change car parts individually but it is turning out to be much harder than I first thought. But the base Satsuma I have working, will probably release it soon.
You forgot normal maps, it is necessary, if for example I want to change inscription on tire.
Also suggestion: add normal maps to headlights and register plates (because they look too flat).
You forgot normal maps, it is necessary, if for example I want to change inscription on tire.
Also suggestion: add normal maps to headlights and register plates (because they look too flat).

I've tried to find a simple way to find normalmaps and specular maps but no luck. Unity API doesn't seem to have a "renderer.material.normalMap" like it has mainTexture. Granted, I'm no expert.

And regarding the extra textures, I'm not much of a texturer and know nothing about the different maps.
I've tried to find a simple way to find normalmaps and specular maps but no luck. Unity API doesn't seem to have a "renderer.material.normalMap" like it has mainTexture. Granted, I'm no expert.
From piotrulos:
//create material with standard shader
Material mat = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));

//Add main texture (Aliebo in unity)
Texture2D tex = LoadAssets.LoadTexture("test.png");
mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", tex);

//Load generated normal map
Texture2D tex = LoadAssets.LoadTexture("NormalMap.png");
mat.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); //Enable normal map in this shader
mat.SetTexture("_BumpMap", tex_normal); //attach normal map
mat.SetFloat("_BumpScale", 1.0f); //set scale

//Attach material to example gameobject
GameObject go = GameObject.Find("Cube");
go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = mat;
From piotrulos:
//create material with standard shader
Material mat = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));

//Add main texture (Aliebo in unity)
Texture2D tex = LoadAssets.LoadTexture("test.png");
mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", tex);

//Load generated normal map
Texture2D tex = LoadAssets.LoadTexture("NormalMap.png");
mat.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); //Enable normal map in this shader
mat.SetTexture("_BumpMap", tex_normal); //attach normal map
mat.SetFloat("_BumpScale", 1.0f); //set scale

//Attach material to example gameobject
GameObject go = GameObject.Find("Cube");
go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = mat;

Yes, I've worked on it through the day and I've found a way to change both Normal Maps and Specular maps. I'm holding off on adding additional textures for now but maybe in the future it doesn't seem so hard, although I can't test it without example normal maps.
Thanks for the help!
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