Very Impressed about my first Race Event in RD....


Mannfred Breit

  • Mannfred Breit

Yesterday Evening was my first RD Event....
First i must say that i´m very Impressed about the most Driver and their Laptimes...awesome..:)
I didn´t finish the Race in cause of Pitstop Problems,makes 2 Stops but no Fuel in my Car..:D
Don´t now whats going wrong with that.
Was on a 1 Sop Strategy,but not a good decision,my tires a completly down after 20 min Races...:pound:
However i must say that the Extreme Cars much faster and easily Handling that the others.

But the fastest Driver are always then 4 sec faster to my best Lap times...:jaw::crutch:with an comparable Car.

I guess there is a lot of capability using a good Set.
I always drive with Standard Set,change only Fuel.

But...the Race makes a lot of fun,no crasher,no wrecker...

I hope i can a lot learn here:wink:

Keep Racing...
Glad you like it Manee ... I am a fairly recent addition to RD and am addicted :becky:

You will learn a lot here ... and setups are important to get the confidence and feeling for a track - but the won't take more than a second or so off your best time ... from my experiences, there are just some seriously fast and talented drivers round here.

Lots of time to practise (and a bit of talent :wink:) is the key I believe ... having a wife and two young kids doesn't leave me anywhere near enough time to practise though :amen:

Enjoy it ... and careful, you will get seriously hooked! :thumb:
  • Gary Brain

I cant wait to be able to Race with good fair drivers the public servers are driving me mad!!! What with the wreckers, smashers, crashers, none race finishers and foul language.... Just to name a few, i'm not bitter though..... not much
  • Razvan Pat

Enjoy it ... and careful, you will get seriously hooked! :thumb:

Yep.. you'll probably start learning lots of stuff about race cars so you can make that ultimate setup that will put you on pole, spending hours on getting that perfect speed on some corner, always saving money for that great wheel you want, a better graphics card and the list goes on..

I'm that way, but it really pays off.. nothing beats the feeling of doing a clean overtake on a driver you know has more skill than you, or at least used to have :becky:
Looks like I'm going to have to pull the trigger on my RD Club application soon, especially after testimonials like this one.

One thing about setups though - there's got to ba quite a bit of difference between a race setup and a qualifying setup, hasn't there?

Again, from past experiences with GPL, a qualifying setup has - by its nature - twitchier, faster, less compromises, hasn't it? You balls up a qualifying lap, you can just have another go.

In a race, the setup would be a little slower, but allow for race conditions, allow safe predictable handling to make sure you finish the race, because you don't get a second chance.

Am I way off base there, or anyone agree?
I absolutely agree, it is just like you wrote, at least i set up my car on that way exactly, race setup has to save tyres, and also it has shitload of fuel in, so car balance is changing, so suspension symmetry between front and rear wheels needs to be changed most often to get the balance of the car right back.
  • Chris Noble

With the pit stops, I suggest looking at the pit stop tutorial that was made.

Short answer is probably you didnt press enter on the items you wanted doing at your pit stop which turns them green and the est pit stop time increases as you add more items to it.
  • Mannfred Breit

Breit, was your first race at Zandvoort last night?

If so, i hit you from behind quite heavily. I completely misjudged my braking. I apologise for my crappy driving. was not the first race..but was my first race where the Driver after 5-6 Laps overlap (thats the right word?) me..:D:D
Look more in the Review Mirror than of Track...
And the was my fault very soon on breaks because of no confidence in my Car..:)

With the pit stops, I suggest looking at the pit stop tutorial that was made.

Short answer is probably you didnt press enter on the items you wanted doing at your pit stop which turns them green and the est pit stop time increases as you add more items to it.
I look for the Tut and i make a Set with 36 L Fuel,when i go into Pits the Set are highlightet but nothing happens...Tires are Change,but Fuel was Empty...I´ll try it out.

Greets Mannee

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