Hi guys! Ive been vr playing AC FOR 2yrs now, started off with rift s but quickly went over to quest to due to much sharper picture! My only hate to the vr is the feel of speed. Yes i know quest 2 only has FOV of 100degree, but more fov would not necesarely mean you go faster due to wider fov.

So my question is. Is there any place in ac settings or quest you can recalculate /adjust the fov in the glasses, same way you can do it in the cockpit for screen.

Driving 300 is like going 160 down the highway.

I for sure notice this when drifting. I really have problems adapting the slow feel to how fast im really hoing, basicly going out in every turn by way to much speed!

Did i explain this good enough ?
Did i explain this good enough ?
Yes and the answer is no. not in AC and not in any other SIM.
The game FOV in VR is 1/1, you see it as it is, full scale.

The FOV of the goggles them self that is an other concept, not the same fov as in a game. In game when on screen, is adjustable because to recreate a vision that is closer to reality and 1/1 scale it depends on how big the screen is and how far you are sitting from the screen.

The developer, does not know what your screen setup looks like. The issue on screen is that on smaller screen or too far from the screen, you have a very limited vision when trying to see 1/1, so you increase the FOV and end up with a distorted view where vehicle seem to travel the interminable straights at warp speed.

Some VR goggle have a larger FOV, closer to what we see in real life without VR goggles, you might want to look into those, if it is an issue for you.
I am use to wear an helmet, on track and on motorcycle, so for me the limited FOV of my CV1, even if it is more restrictive than a real helmet, is not a big deal.
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Hi, thanks for reply.

Yes im fully aware about helmets and fov. Im driving a lot on track my self with radical. But the feel of speed is not even close to real. It is just way to slow. So my question is noe, will a more overpriced but not better vr headset fix my problem with more FOV inside glasses or is there just nothing to do?

My reason for questioning is that just couple of months ago i actually had a totally different feel for speed on my same setup as i have today, and now its all sudden slow again. Im pretty sure there was a update or so. Maby some
SW setting for how the picture is being peojected or so?