VR mirror to monitor not working

Hi. Every version of CSP from 1.68 upwards to the very latest 1.78 won't let me mirror VR to my triple screen monitors. . Tried VR tweak settings and it's a no and unlike the older csp versions there is no vr mirror option available in graphic adjustments any more. The mirror works like a charm in 1.60 csp with SOL which doesn't have a vr tweaks extension and I then just set AC to full screen. Also, if I switch off SOL in the very latest csp versions screen mirror then works - I tried multiple versions of SOL and screen mirror only works in older CSP versions like 1.60 csp for me in triples. I would stick with 1.60 but I very much like double precision physics in newer CSP versions.

Anyone know a fix for the screen mirror or a way to get double precision physics with older csp versions?
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