VR mode image issue

Not sure what to do when I try to run RRE in Vr after setting game load option in Steam to -vr 1.5 or any other super sampling number no higher than 2.0 and with Steam Vr enabled . I get a small/stretched image of RRE loading and then opening the ingame menu page thru my Oculus Rift CV1 . If i uninstall Steam VR I get a VR error code . So can some please tell me the correct way to run this game in VR. Thank you.
Sounds like you still have triple monitor screen resolution and / or an aspect ratio of 48:9 set up in the R3E video options.

Have you set the screen resolution back to a lower resolution, (lower the better) and a 16:9 aspect ratio? (Also Windowed mode might help)
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