Round 1 Race Control
Incident, Server 2, Red Zone.
Drivers involved: @Andrew Harper @Genci Estebanez
Review: This video was presented to several members of RD's race staff.
Decision: It was agreed that Andrew Harper's spin back onto the track was unfortunate, however more effort could have been made to avoid it, and the driver put himself into a risky position in a designated red zone where drivers are instructed to be extra careful. Therefore Andrew Harper is penalised with a 10 point deduction for colliding with Genci Estebanez. (Note a red zone incident will be penalised with double the points as an identical incident elsewhere.)
Track Limits 1
Driver involved: @Neto Nascimento
Review: The driver was reported to race control. Race control viewed 10 consecutive laps of the driver and observed whether the driver exceeded track limits.
Decision: The driver went wide 6 times in 10 laps at the final turn. This is considered a high enough frequency that the driver is in breach of track limit rules. Driver is penalised with a 5 point deduction, and is warned that future breaches will result in higher point deductions.
Track Limits 2
Driver involved: @Guus (Verver)
Review: The driver was reported to race control. Race control viewed 10 consecutive laps of the driver and observed whether the driver exceeded track limits.
Decision: In the 10 laps, the driver was observed within the track limits at
all times. The report is dismissed and the driver will not be penalised.
Track Limits 3
Driver involved: @Miguel Lopes
Review: The driver was reported to race control. Race control viewed 10 consecutive laps of the driver and observed whether the driver exceeded track limits.
Decision: The driver went wide 7 times in 10 laps at the final turn, with a blatant disregard of the rules. No attempt was made to keep the car within the track limits; and is considered to have gone wide with a high enough frequency to be in breach of track limit rules. Driver is penalised with a 5 point deduction, and is warned that future breaches will result in higher point deductions.
Please note track limit penalties are not given because a driver goes wide once or twice; it has to be a repeated number of times. The league tables have been updated.