Weird Issue with GTR2

So I am having an extremely puzzling issue with one of my GTR2 Installs. This is on one that I did a lot of offline GT racing on, I added some cars, and the game started having issues. The cars I wanted to use I could race in single race, but when I would go to championship mode, my game would crash the second I tried to advance into a championship, and after that I could not get into my game until I deleted the player file again. It would just keep doing the same thing.

I made a fresh install, I slowly painfully copied over each individual folder of 2 mods I was using, in this case GT4 mods, and in this case were the primary mods I changed. I put them both in, everything worked. I then went back and copied all of the files under the Gamedata folder, I dont mean whats in the folders, I mean the GDB,INI, a few other files had worked in over the years..and it crashed when I would go to championship mode again. I removed them all, deleted my player file, put it back like it was originally, except for 1 GDB file I had been using to check on cars in the garage which had been working before. Went into the championship mode...and it just crashes again. I cannot explain whats causing this. This is the LOG file whenever it crashes.

plrfile.cpp 2936: Attempting to save to USERDATA\PlayerNameNeverUsed\PlayerNameNeverUsed.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2959: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\PlayerNameNeverUsed\PlayerNameNeverUsed.PLR
sound.cpp 700: Entered Sound::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 6527: Entered HWInput::Enter()
onscreen.cpp 3155: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
game.cpp 726: Entered Game::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 6541: Entered HWInput::Setup()
options.cpp 1657: Entered Options::Setup()
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
plrfile.cpp 2936: Attempting to save to USERDATA\xxxx\xxxx.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2959: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\xxxx\xxxx.PLR
specialfx.cp 3583: Entered SpecialFX::Setup()
steward.cpp 4707: Entered Steward::Setup()
dynman.cpp 609: Entered DynMan::Setup()
sound.cpp 723: Entered Sound::Setup()
onscreen.cpp 3161: Entered OnScreen::Setup()
vidman.cpp 1152: Entered VidMan::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 3793: Entered PlayerFile::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 2936: Attempting to save to USERDATA\xxxx\xxxx.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2959: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\xxxx\xxxx.PLR
Disk or Steam version ?
Run with admin rights or not ?

As it is a nearly immediate crash ... the trace file doesn't tell anything important.

Can you also be more precise when you tell this:
"........ I then went back and copied all of the files under the Gamedata folder, I dont mean whats in the folders, I mean the GDB,INI, a few other files had worked in over the years..and it crashed when I would go to championship mode again."

And did the championships work without the mods but only with original cars ? and did they work after GT4 mods were installed ?

It might already tell if this is a GTR2 problem or rather a mod problem. (the 2nd possibility seems to be the most obvious source of your problem)
To start with you should test 1 mod at a time or how do you know which of the 2 mods is the problem ?

I had trouble making my community skin mod which has over 1,000 skins , to get that working 101% was a nightmare but now I can run any combo of default cars with 100 car grids with no repeat skins or ctd
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Disk or Steam version ?
Run with admin rights or not ?

As it is a nearly immediate crash ... the trace file doesn't tell anything important.

Can you also be more precise when you tell this:
"........ I then went back and copied all of the files under the Gamedata folder, I dont mean whats in the folders, I mean the GDB,INI, a few other files had worked in over the years..and it crashed when I would go to championship mode again."

And did the championships work without the mods but only with original cars ? and did they work after GT4 mods were installed ?

It might already tell if this is a GTR2 problem or rather a mod problem. (the 2nd possibility seems to be the most obvious source of your problem)
Disk version.

For the Gamedata files, I included everything that goes into the Gamedata folder that isnt in the Teams/Sounds, etc folders. I think its really just suppsoed to be the gdb and ini files but over the years other files got put in there I guess.

The championship did work with the original cars, and then it actually worked with both mods I installed until I put in all the loose files in the /Gamedata folder.
That means of course that the culprit file(s) is(are) included in the loose ones you added to the Gamedata folder at the end.
I suppose that this is a whole bunch of files ?

The only practical solution to find it ( or maybe them ) is the same but can be done in 2 different ways ... the normal way and the reversed way. ( in place of adding the whole lot of files in one single operation, it must be done part by part )

For the normal way, you'd need to create once again a new install .....
For the reversed way, you'd need to know with precision what you already added

In 1st option .... add 10 ( or more according to how many files you need to add in totality ) and test your working championship until it doesn't work any longer ... so you directly know where to look first in order to find the culprit file ... and maybe the clue to know if another file as this culprit one might also create the same problem.

In the 2nd option ... in place of adding .... move 10 of this files ( or more files but not too many at a time ) in a temp folder somewhere else ... testing each time afterwards of course ... until the championship works again .... and you'll also know where to find the culprit.

But as @Durge Driven said, rather begin with reinstalling and testing with one mod at a time so that you know better where to search first.... but all files of one mod at a time and not separating Gamedata subfolders and loose files.
I suppose you still have the whole mod zip from the start ! ....
Test one full mod at a time .... and if one works ... do the same with the 2nd one in order to see if it works also without the 1st one installed .... as the problem might also be one or more so called "common file" in both mods which needs to be different in fact.
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I've had instances where championship files got corrupted, no matter what I did it would crash on loading. Only solution is start over (and keep backups of the pertinent files along the way, lol). OTOH, removing anything from the game - a car, a driver, etc. - that is called by a championship will also cause an immediate crash.