Wet weather in racing in RF2

David O'Reilly

A bad quali means I can go forwards in the race.
Its obviously a hot topic at the moment with the wet test race coming up.
I just wanted to start this thread to highlight one or two things.

We did a 4 race season of 6 hour endurance races here at RD using the wet weather plugin.
The LMP1 cars had a critical limit of rain intensity after which they were all but undriveable.
So the admins tested the levels and settled on (we think) 5% max intensity.
It worked very well. Cars were driveable but you did need to pit for inters or wets if it kept raining. As it dried there was a change over period where the drying line was good but off it was scary. Very very immersive.
No one knows exactly what will happen.
Your engineer would be checking real world forecasts for the track beforehand, then during the race would be on the look out for showers using the wunderground system.

It would spit rain in the Village of Silverstone, 90 seconds later it spits rain on the server.

So my point.
It can be quite amazing.
Bbelow is a stream of a race in Silverstone that had changeable weather.
It was a wet-changeable race at Silverstone using the plugin at5% max, we used full wets , inters and dry tyres in this race.

Depending how much of this long race you watch you will hear the commentators discussing tyre choice and the impact and errors made.
There are people in RD who have made it work well.
I just dont want FSR to pass up one of the most exciting USPs that RF2 can offer.

Dont write it off it untill you have experienced it done properly.
and yes I have been on the Spa server-not fun with this much water IMO, BUT, with 24 cars who knows as well.

If in any doubt it can possibly be trialled in Pro or Ace?

Good luck and good judgement.

Peace Out.
Informative post.

I highly disagree with trialing anything in ACE or PRO as they are championships in their own right and not meant to be "test" sessions. It would be quite unfair to have a crappy race or season due to any kind of testing and still require drivers and teams to pay money to take part. If anything have a 4th unofficial division to do this or test this in a Friday test day (or whatever day).
I highly disagree with trialing anything in ACE or PRO as they are championships in their own right and not meant to be "test" sessions.

I can understand your concerns but it is not a suggestion that in any way disrepects The Pro series (of which I am part) or Ace.

What I understand is that the people with voting rights are WC team owners.
In a possible scenario where some are convinced and some are not convinced it would be a shame if the outcome is a conservative decision of "NO to real world Weather" just because people are worried it will ruin the World Championships.

If the testing works out ok and many think it will work, but the votes can't pass it for WC then to try it in say Pro is simply to have another option on the table rather than the two simple alternatives of Yes or No.

Its not to make it a crappy race. If it works it would be awesome. I would personally be honoured to get the chance to test real world variable weather in FSR before the WC grid.

If its looking good but the vote cant quite be swung to get it into WC is it better to lose it for a year or run it in Pro to prove its a winner?
@Ben Eastman
This thread will give you some idea about the plugin. It indeed is driven by real world weather in real time.
If it sprinkles rain in Francochamps 30 sec later it sprinkles in game. Temps-same. However you have the facility to set a mximum rain intensity which is a key to it working correctly. So I hope one thing the test will do is establish what that level is.

If you want to get it and test it its on the ISI forums.

It adds an awesome layer to the racing.
Thanks for the tag will definately try it out, and yeah will definately add a new dimension. As in real life the risk of rain will mean having to compromise optimal setups or you could be left hanging.
Jim I have never installed it I have only driven in online races where the server had it, But I reckon when I decide to do a off line season vs AI I will use it.
So mate I dont know. @Daiman Patel might?
Which folder does this sit in @David O'Reilly cheers
Thanks for the tag will definately try it out, and yeah will definately add a new dimension. As in real life the risk of rain will mean having to compromise optimal setups or you could be left hanging.
@Dennis is the main man regarding live weather. However, I can relay some information to you. :thumbsup:

We used the Weather Control Plugin, the files for which you put in the following directory: <rF2_install_directory>\Bin32\Plugins
You can find more information about the plugin and how to configure it here.

Unfortunately I'm struggling to find a download link for you at the moment; maybe @Dennis will be able to help with this as well.
and Jim, Health Warning.:cry: installing and configuring this thing is getting into pretty complex stuff.
I havent done it and probably wont for some time.
Lol I think you could be right after looking at Daiman's post about configuring, I'll leave it lol but thanks to you both anyway.
If you would like to talk and work through it over TS at some point I would be more than happy to help you guys out. I'm not really available for the next 3 weeks as I'm going to be away and working, but will be happy to help you after that - maybe some time after 18th May. :thumbsup: