What? Blocky, Pixelated black cirkles as wheels???

What is happening here? Latest CM, latest CSP, latest SOL. It appears both in the game and in the replay. Not all angels, but when you see the wheel from the side. So you see the wheel normally and when you turn (like in a circle just to show the probem) it kind of pops out like this. Not in all cameras, not in all angels.

Cant say I have done anything special, but there was something happening when I started AC today, suddenly the old AC startprogram started. Might be after that? Not sure. I have not changed anything else.

I was just about to get my first wheel from the postoffice, and now I found this. =( Does not affect playing the sim in first person, but you know...Its nice to have pretty exterior view too.

I cant be the first with this problem right? (just hard to find another post of this).
Please tell me there is a fix for this? =P


https://www.dropbox.com/s/w37ymqwyo8ni4fn/2020-02-12 18-52-30.mp4?dl=0


whats going on.jpg

wahts going on 2.jpg
I think I read brake disc fx is the culprit try going back to an earlier csp

Oh, I see.... Thank you for trying to figure out this for me. Have you heard about others having the same issues? Ive googled it and searched forums, but with no luck. The thing is that in one camera, it could only be my tyres that looks like this, while the tires of the AI's looks normal. But the latest changest to the disc fx is probably the cause then? I do find the latest CSP quite nice though, might be some placebo but I find the fps more stable in this version. I might stay with this CSP and turn off the disc fx for now. I have also got in contact with the CM maker, so he is updated.