What do I need to get a great wet weather effect

Hi all

Its all got a bit confusing.

I've always used good and bad weather, I have the lights patch and have installed BLM car and lights, I've installed wet mod to get the effects.

However what actually controls how "wet" or "slippy" the track surface is? I am guessing this isn't done automatically? so what do i need to control that?

You can change the track grip preset/percentage to change how grippy the surface is or edit surfaces.ini. I recommend downloading the Goodwood mod and trying the wet layout, IMO that is by far the best we have for a wet track at the moment. However if you want spray like on the "wet mod" tracks you will have to edit the surfaces.ini for Goodwood wet. The wet mod uses dirt to create a spray effect so you need to add dirt to all the tarmac surfaces in the ini, it's quite obvious if you look in there, each surface has a line that says something like dirt=0.0. I went with 0.6 for pits, 0.8 for tarmac and curbs and 1.0 for the puddles IIRC. BE WARNED, EDITING SURFACES.INI WILL CAUSE A MISMATCH ONLINE SO BACK UP THE ORIGINAL GOODWOOD WET SURFACES.INI IF YOU PLAN ON USING IT ONLINE.

BTW for Goodwood wet at least you don't need to drastically lower the grip because it is wet. Optimum/100% is still like a wet track. The author created areas of track with different grip levels (like how the tarmac and grass areas have different grip levels) and it kind of forces you to drive a very different line in some places e.g Lavant. It also has larger visible and physical puddles which you sort of aquaplane on and need to dodge.

I hope some other creators consider doing something similar, with as much consistency between visual and physical surface as possible.
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