What does it mean when CM does this...

Loaded up a race preset that I have used a ton of times. It is set to pick AI skins randomly from a group of different car types. Now all of a sudden when it finishes loading, I see a quick view of my car on the grid and then a big red circle with a minus sign comes on the screen and the race is canceled. Only does this with this particular preset. Other presets with different car types are fine.

I am assuming it has to do with either one of the skins or one of the car mods. Anyone ever experience this and know where I should start first to solve the problem? Should I check for a faulty skin or faulty mod?

Thanks for any advice...
I've never run across it, but it sounds like you're on the right track, at least in what I would look for as I'd be guessing something went wrong when it went to the load the race. I'd check everything. Track, cars, skins etc that is being loaded and see if there is an issue with any of them.

There are also log files Content Manager creates. You could look through them to see if they indicated where it may be running into issues. It's located C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\Logs.