What features do you want to see in AC?

We know that many features won't be available in V1.0 of AC.

I'd like to know what features simracers want most. Give your top 5 of features that you desperately want to have in AC, and explain us why.

I'll kick it off;

In random order;

- dynamic weather
This made league racing in GTR so awesome. If you'd see the clouds coming you were already anxiously thinking about your strategy

- some form of 'iRating'. Call it 'Assetto Punto's'. Implement this in AC, and it will guarantee much more online activity. People are simple beings. They need rewards to do things. It gives a good feeling if you finish high in a strong field and then get rewarded with many 'AP's. It keeps the sim alive and busy! Desperately needed!

If it's done by a modding team, perhaps we can do it better than iRacing does (i.e. rating per car).

- Sharing setups; essential for pickup racing as well. If your driving with friends online, it's convenient to share setups straightaway while practicing, or also helping other drivers you meet online.

- Mechanical damage based on driver input. Be hard on your gears or brakes, and you'll suffer some damage. For example, missing a gear or brake fading. Too much curb hopping and you could damage your suspension. Adds an element to races.

- Tire wear based on driving style. Makes racing much more tactical.

I'm curious to know what other people deem important.
I love the idea of the showroom with a text file of info on the cars. Even if that's not included though, all of my mods will have a pdf file anyway, because I like to try and link the real and virtual versions of the car as much as possible. After all, they are our dream cars, and the sim is the closest we can (usually) get to driving them. :)
I know you're joking but I really want to add this to my mod even it's not my first priority. :D

It's useless features, but I think we don't have to think if it's usefull or useless, just make everything that the car can do. Then you can immagine that active air con. in the game active a real fan controlled by USB, same for heating into the leather seat. Did I mention about airbag? :roflmao:
One thing I would like to see in AC, but that every sim should have is a way to insert text and hyperlinks in a "Description" field for online servers.

I know it;'s not sexy, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to read some notes about the race you are going into and being able to get a link to a mod/track download, get the rules for the game, the cars available and anything else that needs to be communicated? Like, for instance, the Ventrillo or Teamspeak channel and password?
1 . I would love to see option to put cones / objects on track simillar to feature we have in LFS ,
it gives so much "sandbox" feel and u can spend alot of time with it having much fun in drifting and testing the car . I belive this feature isnt that hard to implement and gives alot value to title .
2 . parking lot "track" , to have alot of space to implement above feature ;) and test cars
I would like to see some more "fun" modes like the existing drift mode. Maybe a gymkhana? Some more modes that aren't really "hardcore sim" but would be amazing to have in a title like this. What I mean is features like GT and Forza have like a simple quarter mile run, driver school (GTR2 had this), gymkhana as previously mentioned and other modes like this that I can't think of at the moment. This will boost the game's longevity, give it more variety and will appeal to GT/Forza fans looking for something on the PC which will obviously help sales and in the end help Kunos.

and please I don't want to get into an argument about sim vs simcade etc...We know AC is aiming to get some of the GT/Forza crowd to boost sales without compromising what makes them great, which is the driving experience.
I would like to see some more "fun" modes like the existing drift mode. Maybe a gymkhana? Some more modes that aren't really "hardcore sim" but would be amazing to have in a title like this. What I mean is features like GT and Forza have like a simple quarter mile run, driver school (GTR2 had this), gymkhana as previously mentioned and other modes like this that I can't think of at the moment. This will boost the game's longevity, give it more variety and will appeal to GT/Forza fans looking for something on the PC which will obviously help sales and in the end help Kunos.

I would really like to see obstacles we can place at tracks, so autocross or even Trial/Trail can be held in AC. Would be great fun to see who is not only fastest but has good car controls.

Something like this:

I want to pick this thread up, while I was reading what Aris wrote (some weeks ago) about realism and hardcore.

What I have in mind is, that LFS is not the latest Sim out there, but one can do so many nice things with it....like.....simulate a complete raceweekend with warm-up-lap, safetycar (driven by someone), get out of the car only when there is a medical car aka RB4 (simulates the marshalls) is there and so on. Would be great if AC is that open, that we can make these things with APPs and such. :)
The option to turn off the interior rear view mirror when using the virtual mirror.

Also more virtual mirror elements that replicate side mirrors that can be placed anywhere on the screen, maybe this is possible with an App? If not just have them at the top corner of the screen like in Rfactor, plus the ability to change the FOV of the mirrors.
Something similar to iracing's "shift image up/down" option would be nice. I'm sitting 1,5 meters from 105" screen when driving sims so my eyes are way too low compared to horizon in the sim.

I really hope there will be support for Oulus Rift virtual headset also. It could be awesome if done right. :)
Soft body physics could be very cool to see in a racing game, imagine one of those insane Nascar like crashes with physics like that. ho ho ho~

But for now I'd be perfectly fine with damage like in pCARS with parts falling off and animated/textured damage.

Now a suggestion, I was watching the replays in AC TP, and they are really nice, but even so they could be more interesting, like, it would be cool if you could choose different filters to use in replay mode, things like, sepia, black and white, vignette, lens flare. etc. to give them more flavor. :D
Soft body physics could be very cool to see in a racing game, imagine one of those insane Nascar like crashes with physics like that. ho ho ho~

But for now I'd be perfectly fine with damage like in pCARS with parts falling off and animated/textured damage.

Now a suggestion, I was watching the replays in AC TP, and they are really nice, but even so they could be more interesting, like, it would be cool if you could choose different filters to use in replay mode, things like, sepia, black and white, vignette, lens flare. etc. to give them more flavor. :D

Yeah!!! Great idea! And additionaly proper Photo Mode. That would be awsome man! I like photography and since nfs4 and later TDU and Shift I love to spend hours taking some shots of the cars.

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