What has this sim got against it?

Absolutely nothing. It's realistic. The FFB is fantastic. The graphics are amazing (for my low spec PC). The setup options are good. The menu system is logical. The net code and servers etc are fantastic.

All we need now are a good guide on how to create tracks, the ability to add cars into the game, and imports/exporters for 3DsimED and we have the makings of the best sim the world!
I hope Alessandro is planning a league soon, it would be fantastic!
guys, how can I plan a league when each racing club there are only 5 guys ? :frown:
let me see your great interest to this sim and I'll create a league, I'm here just for this but I need a minimum core group
my idea is to have a league fortinghly based with other Tuesday nights (2/month) for training the league tracks ....

I obtained some free licenses and I'm looking for a sponsor but now I need you, I'll never start a league in this condition with so few driving drivers, if you are so entusiast about nK please give me a sign

I appreciate a lot your feedback but try to understand my position

anyway I'm always searching guys for flyers, media, opinion etc, so keep in this way

help me to help you :party:
guys, how can I plan a league when each racing club there are only 5 guys ? :frown:
let me see your great interest to this sim and I'll create a league, I'm here just for this but I need a minimum core group

Alessandro, thank you so much for all the effort you're putting into this. As I mentioned before I'd love to help building this core group but I'm already in the RDHGP S5 which starts today and that's about all time I've got for simracing. After the league it might look different.

Last club event I joined (before release of the final version) was quite a mess due to latency/netcode problems. How is it working now? Any better?
I guess such problems prevent people from joining future events.. :/
mouse steering, ouch. explains much about the minis though :p

No, keyboard steering with Race ON :wink:

@ Philip; Just as you left, server got a restart and jumped to Practice. It could'nt manage the sadness of losing you Philip :D Even a little turns with a fight was fantastic mate:). Really perfect feeling of driving a car ( Even i don't know how it feels in reality:redface: )

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