What software are you using for track and car modding?

What software are you using for track and car modding?

Bob's Track Builder has me confused.

3DSimEd can do cars?

What do you guys recommend?
For cars 3DSimEd can do some simple operations but using Blender ( the free one ) or 3DSMax ( if you can find it at a good price or ??? :D ) is of course better and purely made to build 3D ... but both need to be learnt and that's not really easy at the start.

But even using Blender needs 3DSimed as Blender cannot open or export GMTs ... they need to be converted in another format.

It was too late for me to learn such a big tool and use it to build a car ... but for now mapping, creating templates or separate some parts or adding some little missing faces... are things I learnt to do as I need them.

For tracks, no idea ! ;)
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I'm a total beginner, too, but I already know of a fix I want to make on some mod cars where the whole car goes dark, including the windshield, when you pass through a shadow when really the outside should look the same brightness.

GTR233 told me about the fix for that but I think I need 3DSimEd.
I'm a total beginner, too, but I already know of a fix I want to make on some mod cars where the whole car goes dark, including the windshield, when you pass through a shadow when really the outside should look the same brightness.

GTR233 told me about the fix for that but I think I need 3DSimEd.
Easy fix is to set shadows on HIGH instead of FULL and you will get much higher fps :)
I'm a total beginner, too, but I already know of a fix I want to make on some mod cars where the whole car goes dark, including the windshield, when you pass through a shadow when really the outside should look the same brightness.
Go to the car's .cas file and remove shadowreciever on windows, like this example:

<NOTSPIN><DASHHIGH> MeshFile=dbr9_cpit_windows.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(3.0) ShadowReceiver=False
<NOTSPIN><DASHHIGH> MeshFile=dbr9_cpit_mirror_:inlove:>.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(3.0) ShadowReceiver=False
This will fix most shadow issues on windows.
ShadowReceiver=True => ShadowReceiver=False

You should get 3DSimed it is very affordable compared to what it can do.
There is a free trail maybe ~ 10 days are so to test out.
The later versions got a few bugs for simbin games , But there are easy workarounds for that.
3Dsimed can also be needed in this case for modded cars.

Some mods have the Windows GMT included in the Chassis Cpit GMT .... so that windows will not appear in the .cas file as only the whole chassis cpit will be there.
Using ShadowReceiver=True => ShadowReceiver=False should then be applied on all parts included in them.

3DSimed might allow to separate the windows from the body or chassis ... but this might need then more modifications:
A new correct line in the .cas file .... and maybe a genstring addition needed for the windows apart if they include the banner ( different from car to car mostly ).... as they will be separated from the body with the same genstring
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As I said in most cases . But yes seen the windows in both cockpits gmt and body.gmt
But anyway hate when the car interior goes dark as it doesn't make any sense from a emersion standpoint.
As Gtr233 wrote an easy fix it to lower the shadows to high. But then you lose shadows in cockpit too.