What to buy? Fanatec CSW or T500RS

I'm thinking to buy CSW base with the gt2 rim and the v2 pedals, I'm actualy between this and the T500 RS, but I have found reports for bad reliability on fanatec products but there are all 1 year ago. Is there any new feedback on this? Have they fixed the problems or they are still there?
There is a difference between changing switches and fans then to replace entire ffb engines though.

Dietmar I have changed rims a hundred times I don´t see what could cause play with the mechanism used. Maybe if you overtighten the screw to many times dunno I have not read about it in the epic T500RS thread at GTplanet where all the gran tourismo players recides that tend to go for the T500RS for natural reasons.
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The majority of issues with the T500RS tend to be relatively minor, the fan issue is a pretty easy fix, as is the loose wheel in most cases from what I have read. I wouldn't have a problem with replacing a motor or two either for that matter. I have done far more than that on our large format printers but, I like to make upgrades or improvements to reduce the chances of having to repeat the process again. I have greater respect for any company that acknowledges weaknesses in their products and provides solutions, whether it be with better quality replacement parts or optional upgrades for those out of warranty.

In the case of Fanatec, they likely would have avoided a good deal of bad press by replacing the bad motors with different ones altogether and designating a revision model. That would provide an identifiable and traceable improvement in the wheel bases. As it is now, the waters are quite muddied as to what the potential issues are to buyers and whether or not the past issues have been successfully resolved. It also suggests that while the bad motor issue was addressed, it may not provide enough "headroom" for the motors to operate in an efficient way to be reliable over the long term, at least when the FFB forces are run at higher settings.

Heat is the enemy with electronics and motors. It sounds as though ThrustMaster may have addressed their cooling issues by using new, more robust fans and maybe even new motors (yet to be confirmed). That is good news for new T500RS buyers if that is the case although, I haven't read about many cases of catastrophic motor failure in the ThrustMasters. Most of the complaints are with noisey fans, creaky or loose wheels, and cogging at high FFB settings - most of which are rarely - if ever - catastrophic.

These are my views based on the reading I have done. I share this in the hope of helping others in the same position and to gain more information in the process. For me, the main question to be answered is with the Fanatec motors. Has the heat problem truly been solved or was it merely a kind of band-aid solution? I don't discount the points about malicious and unfair complaints - it happens, unfortunately. There may also be cases where the wheels are subjected to ridiculously high stresses. Having said that, I want to make a more-informed decision when buying a new wheel.
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Problem is Pete, there was nothing in your comment stating that it was tongue in cheek, and to people on the fence it would/could be perceived as a factual statement.
This is the biggest issue Fanatec is facing imo, rumors, some dude posting on a forum saying "my fanatec died after a week, i had my T500 for 3 years and no problems, evidently fanatec has **** quality cos my wheel broke down!" then another dude comes along saying "yeah my wheel broke too". Suddenly you have a lot of people reading these comments and not only believing in it but even taking it one step further, when someone on any forum out there ask for advice on choice of wheel, they'll gladly answer and tell people to stay away from Fanatec due to reliability issues, without having owned a wheel themselves, and without basing their statements on fact and statistics.
Or it may even be based on a misunderstanding of a "tongue in cheek" post, as yours Pete.

I'm not saying that Fanatec doesn't suffer failures, but I've seen far too many people commenting on their poor reliability who I suspect have little to no factual base to do so.
I'm not here to argue with anyone. I am here to find people who have had similar experiences as I am having. Until I saw this thread and all those that link off of this I must say I felt like I was going crazy. I felt like I might be the only one going through this stone wall. So I stumble on this forum, maybe got a bit excited and rambled on about my frustration with fanatec. Your replies made me feel like an uninformed fool for just a second. It all passed. No big deal. But today I see you are still trying to embarrass those who comment negatively towards fanatec. You want facts? You want solid information from people before they can contribute their opinions or experiences? No problem. Here are some facts. As of today, it has been 79 days, 19 e-mails sent and 15 e-mails received in trying to resolve my CSWB issue. And in the case of the V2 pedal. Up until the point when I decided to put it on the shelf and take a break from the headache, it was 83 days, 12 e-mails sent and 14 e-mails received. Yes the product is great when it's functioning well. And yes a lot of people are content with the customer service they've received. But not me. I've jumped through the hoops as requested. I have a receipt. I have a warranty for 2 years. I have a timeline of e-mails that went nowhere. All this because I believe that they should release a replacement unit to me. Not new chips and sensors so that i can try to fix it myself! At that price? I'm not even asking for a refund. I'm asking that they just make me a happy fanatec customer as I was for about 3 days. ....a year ago!
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I'm not at all trying to embarras people who are negative to Fanatec, I'm honestly sorry if that's how I come across.
What I'm trying to point out is the fact that even if some individuals have experienced problems that may not be the norm. I agree that your case has taken far too long to resolve, but honestly m8, I can't say for sure that Fanatec hasn't acted 100% correctly in your case. I compeltely understand why they won't replace your unit, that's just plain wrong expectations on your part. They should however offer you to send the unit in and have them repair it, that sucks because you're without your gear for a good while I agree, which is why I'd gladly take up on the offer to replace the parts myself.
It's good that you share your experiences here, because it let's people know what happened to one of their customers. I was about to ramble on but I'm not gonna, please don't feel like I'm bashing on you for sharing your experiences, I'm just calling for people to be sensible (and not you in particluar mind you).
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I'm not at all trying to embarras people who are negative to Fanatec, I'm honestly sorry if that's how I come across.
What I'm trying to point out is the fact that even if some individuals have experienced problems that may not be the norm. I agree that your case has taken far too long to resolve, but honestly m8, I can't say for sure that Fanatec hasn't acted 100% correctly in your case. I compeltely understand why they won't replace your unit, that's just plain wrong expectations on your part. They should however offer you to send the unit in and have them repair it, that sucks because you're without your gear for a good while I agree, which is why I'd gladly take up on the offer to replace the parts myself.
It's good that you share your experiences here, because it let's people know what happened to one of their customers. I was about to ramble on but I'm not gonna, please don't feel like I'm bashing on you for sharing your experiences, I'm just calling for people to be sensible (and not you in particluar mind you).
Alright. I have to admit that I set my sight on you for defending them. I too apologize for any offence. It's just that all this talk of the "first batch" being problematic made me loose faith in the equipment that I personally have purchased. Again I admit that I can't wait to get the thing in use as it was before. But I would love for anyone who reads this post to give your opinion on this question: Regardless of Fanatec's warranty and/or return policy, if it were to happen to any of you, would you feel that you should have a replacement? Or would you be perfectly fine to take it all apart and change internals that they send you? Keep in mind that I did that with the V2 pedals and it did not perform well at all. I would really love some feedback on this because personally, at that price range.... ... I'm exhausted from this. Imagine, when I bought this gear, I had to convince my wife that it was of the highest quality! Lol
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I was in the position of having to choose between CSW (to replace my GT2, to use with existing CSPv1) or T500RS. Not a huge difference in price between them.

My thoughts were as follows:
- I own a Fanatec Rennsport, CSPv1, GT2, Porsche shifters. The Rennsport came with a shifter adapter with incorrect screw holes, had to contact support about it. The GT2 has a small amount of play in the steering column (by design) and needed to go back to replace the codewheel sensor a few weeks after I got it, after that it worked fine for 2 years of solid use. The Porsche sequential shifter came with the shift direction reversed compared to what I'd expect and unfortunately the wiring inside is too short to flip round: This caused issues in Forza 4. The CSPv1 have been great, no issues, still on my first load cell.
- I've read too many CSW motor issues threads not to be a little insecure about purchasing one, even though I know Fanatec support will be able to handle things.
- When the T500RS was new, there were plenty of stories online about fan issues, brake springs failing, and wheel coming loose needing to be tightened occasionally. There are however clear revisions of the T500RS which made changes to the design, and the latest ones have confirmed different airflow, bigger fan, compression instead of torsion springs. So basically all of the "teething troubles" have been solved by Thrustmaster.
And apart from the plastic shell, the T500RS actually has a big overspecified expensive motor compared with what's in the CSW, and the cooling to handle it...

For me, a wheel needs to support consoles as well as PC, since I like to try every race sim I can get my hands on. So what actually swung me was the console situation: There's currently no visibility on a multiplatform wheel for next gen, but Thrustmaster has committed to XBone (with the TX) and PS4 (T100, confirmation of T500RS drivers in the PS4 OS), whereas Logitech is not making any noises about peripherals for either console. There's still no guarantee that Logitech drivers will be available in the PS4 OS atall, which has a direct impact on whether or not the CSW would work with PS4 sims. Fanatec is making gentle noises about working on a potential XBone solution, but it'll probably be a completely new CSW base potentially not maintaining PS3/4 compatibility.

So in the end I decided that the T500RS would be more of a "safe bet". And in fact I was rewarded when it turned out that GT6 FFB for the T500RS is far richer than the Logitech FFB used by the CSW. Oh, and AC/pCARS are pretty awesome with the T500RS as well, of course :)

Currently I have no regrets. The T500RS is a very sturdy wheel even though it's got a plastic shell. I like the feel of the GT and 458GTE rims. It's a definite step up from the GT2 wheel. In fact, I'm starting to like the T500RS brake more than my CSPv1 load cell.... (call me strange on that...)
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Very well thought through, can't argue with a single point xD
Myself, I've been on the fence for a long time, going back and forth between the two wheels, but I made up my mind recently and I'll be getting the CSW no matter what issues people should report, I want that extra premium feel from the materials and the quick release.
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I have also decided to go with the CSW as it seems as though there are a couple of options for the long term if the motors fail. I don't like my FFB set so high that it influences my driving negatively so that may benefit the reliability of the motors as well. I should have mine within a week or so but, I have to build a desk mount for it along with a housing for my Leo Bodnar SLI to mount on the CSW - no space for a dedicated race rig.
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well, I wouldn't be too happy either
not a handyman myself so I wouldn't be too excited to replace those parts myself
tell me, was it a first-batch wheel?
Supposedly, yes. But I bought it a year ago and I believe this wheel has been out for quite some time before that.
I was in the position of having to choose between CSW (to replace my GT2, to use with existing CSPv1) or T500RS. Not a huge difference in price between them.

My thoughts were as follows:
- I own a Fanatec Rennsport, CSPv1, GT2, Porsche shifters. The Rennsport came with a shifter adapter with incorrect screw holes, had to contact support about it. The GT2 has a small amount of play in the steering column (by design) and needed to go back to replace the codewheel sensor a few weeks after I got it, after that it worked fine for 2 years of solid use. The Porsche sequential shifter came with the shift direction reversed compared to what I'd expect and unfortunately the wiring inside is too short to flip round: This caused issues in Forza 4. The CSPv1 have been great, no issues, still on my first load cell.
- I've read too many CSW motor issues threads not to be a little insecure about purchasing one, even though I know Fanatec support will be able to handle things.
- When the T500RS was new, there were plenty of stories online about fan issues, brake springs failing, and wheel coming loose needing to be tightened occasionally. There are however clear revisions of the T500RS which made changes to the design, and the latest ones have confirmed different airflow, bigger fan, compression instead of torsion springs. So basically all of the "teething troubles" have been solved by Thrustmaster.
And apart from the plastic shell, the T500RS actually has a big overspecified expensive motor compared with what's in the CSW, and the cooling to handle it...

For me, a wheel needs to support consoles as well as PC, since I like to try every race sim I can get my hands on. So what actually swung me was the console situation: There's currently no visibility on a multiplatform wheel for next gen, but Thrustmaster has committed to XBone (with the TX) and PS4 (T100, confirmation of T500RS drivers in the PS4 OS), whereas Logitech is not making any noises about peripherals for either console. There's still no guarantee that Logitech drivers will be available in the PS4 OS atall, which has a direct impact on whether or not the CSW would work with PS4 sims. Fanatec is making gentle noises about working on a potential XBone solution, but it'll probably be a completely new CSW base potentially not maintaining PS3/4 compatibility.

So in the end I decided that the T500RS would be more of a "safe bet". And in fact I was rewarded when it turned out that GT6 FFB for the T500RS is far richer than the Logitech FFB used by the CSW. Oh, and AC/pCARS are pretty awesome with the T500RS as well, of course :)

Currently I have no regrets. The T500RS is a very sturdy wheel even though it's got a plastic shell. I like the feel of the GT and 458GTE rims. It's a definite step up from the GT2 wheel. In fact, I'm starting to like the T500RS brake more than my CSPv1 load cell.... (call me strange on that...)
Are you saying that it is not likely the CSW will work with the PS4?
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Ebay tells a telling tale for me, I regularly see dead Fanatecs up for sale for spares, all models.

I have yet to see a T500, which is exactly why I spent my money on the T500 and not a Fanatec, which really sucks because I love the Fanatec Design, and would love to own the Clubsport with BMW rim etc, however I need something which is rock solid and reliable every day for hours and hours at a time, and that is exactly what my previous G25, G27 and now T500 have been, every time.
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Supposedly, yes. But I bought it a year ago and I believe this wheel has been out for quite some time before that.

Are you saying that it is not likely the CSW will work with the PS4?
I'm saying that right now we simply don't have confirmation on whether or not ps4 will have drivers and support for Logitech wheels, and by association Fanatec wheels. Fanatec themselves also haven't stated anything yet, so not sure whether they themselves have contacted Sony about adding their drivers to the PS4 OS.

While the PS4 currently has no race game with wheel support it's hard to be sure. The only thing I've found so far is a dev from Driveclub stating definitively that they have it working with two Thrustmaster wheels (obviously the PS4 branded T80 plus the T500RS) and will try to add more wheel support, but no list yet: http://www.rllmukforum.com/index.php?/topic/268931-driveclub/page-23#entry9487355
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All fanatec wheels that work with PS3 work with PS4, G27 too.
Can you tell me how you know this? Neither type of wheel can be used in PS4 menus and there's not a single driving game yet available for the PS4 to test wheels with. Do you have access to a dev kit with a new PS4 OS build or beta code from a PS4 race game?

Here confirmation that DFGT, G25 and Fanatec Porsche wheels don't even spin up in PS4: http://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threa...racing-wheels-on-the-ps4.290640/#post-8976027
And here that the T500RS does spin up but no working buttons: http://f-wheel.com/forums/index.php?topic=2858.0 As expected since we know it has drivers and works in game (Diveclub).
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Logitech have said that for the G27. The drivers will be updated to the console with an os patch or with game update once they hit the market. And since fanatec uses the same drivers from logitech it's going to work too. Read the comments at ur link.
terapati said
I've missed it, I suppose :( What did they say?
Depends on the game.

The game developers must include support if they want to give players that option. Electronic Arts has confirmed that Need for Speed: Rivals, its new racing game for the PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One, doesn't support steering wheels or other kinds of peripherals. Let's w8 and see.
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Can you tell me how you know this? Neither type of wheel can be used in PS4 menus and there's not a single driving game yet available for the PS4 to test wheels with. Do you have access to a dev kit with a new PS4 OS build or beta code from a PS4 race game?

Here confirmation that DFGT, G25 and Fanatec Porsche wheels don't even spin up in PS4: http://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threa...racing-wheels-on-the-ps4.290640/#post-8976027
And here that the T500RS does spin up but no working buttons: http://f-wheel.com/forums/index.php?topic=2858.0 As expected since we know it has drivers and works in game (Diveclub).
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Unless you go with something really high end costing £1000's then you're buying a mass produced product and with any mass produced product you will get a certain amount of failures.

If it is guaranteed that those high end ECCI and other brand wheels are just as technical reliable as their price is, i do not mind buying them. But that is the problem...nobody can guarantee. But you are right, those posts are absolute unnecessary. It is either buy or dont buy period. And this night i have made up my mind. Im going for Thrustmaster. Why? Cause i can buy the set in a local store. I am not convinced of the Fanataecs building quality because they do not have a shop anywere. It is all very dubious.
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If it is guaranteed that those high end ECCI and other brand wheels are just as technical reliable as their price is, i do not mind buying them. But that is the problem...nobody can guarantee. But you are right, those posts are absolute unnecessary. It is either buy or dont buy period. And this night i have made up my mind. Im going for Thrustmaster. Why? Cause i can buy the set in a local store. I am not convinced of the Fanataecs building quality because they do not have a shop anywere. It is all very dubious.
I am in "process" returning a Fanatec product. I have just heard that fanatec are (right now) trying to get through the "process" of almost 400 (!!!!) north american return or repair requests.... After waiting for almost 90 days, mine is almost settled.
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