with stock 03#22 550 maranello at stock spa 03 with default setup I make 2.14.350
with HQ 03#22 550 at HQ spa 03 and stock settings I make 2.15.400
Remember that track record by F.Gollin in 2003 with 550 is 2.15.700, so with 2.06 you are very fast : I will never play against you online
which car number do you use ? default, HQ or REBORN physics ?
I will try to take the same car as you, but honestly I doubt I could go under 2'10
I'm out of practice and I really don't like stock GTR2 cars. Give me HQ cars any day!
I have made the HQ cars around 1 sec slower per lap compared to default cars to match real times so you can do a hot lap with HQ version then -1"
I have tried but my skills do not allow me to reach your laptime : could you share your setup please in order to see if that transforms me into hamilton or vettel
thanks for tutorial and setup, I will try to do better times now
edit: with your setup I won 1"400 as I am just under 2'12 now but impossible for me to make 2'06" like you, you are too fast for me
are the HQ cars really that good? never really tried them before i decided to stick with the default onesGot back to it with the HQ 550 on HQ Spa 03. I am at 2.07.520 now, with still a few mistakes (I brake a bit too late at some corners, and too soon at La Source I think). Maybe one day I will be at your 2.06 !
I put the setup if anyone want to give it a try, great challenge !
And I must add that just going from the stock game version back to the HQ made me feel again the upperlevel quality and effort that were put in the 10th anniversary patch. Awesome ! Just Awesome !