Wheel Problems

Hi guys. I have two issues with my G27, both of which I believe have occurred since the recent update or one of the hotfixes. Just wondering if anyone can help with a fix/workaround, or if they're bugs I need to post on the S3 forums.

1) The rev lights on my wheel have stopped working. Thought they were just broken, but they work fine in AMS. I'm actually surprised at how much I was relying on them without actually realising.

2) My wheel no longer automatically matches the lock of the cars I drive. I only noticed this during tonight's Formula US race, as it was VERY obvious that I had to turn my wheel way too far to get around even a mild corner. I've tried other cars and tried resetting my wheel settings, but neither worked... it's stuck at 900 degrees rotation regardless of car.

Cheers guys.
Hi guys. I have two issues with my G27, both of which I believe have occurred since the recent update or one of the hotfixes. Just wondering if anyone can help with a fix/workaround, or if they're bugs I need to post on the S3 forums.

1) The rev lights on my wheel have stopped working. Thought they were just broken, but they work fine in AMS. I'm actually surprised at how much I was relying on them without actually realising.

2) My wheel no longer automatically matches the lock of the cars I drive. I only noticed this during tonight's Formula US race, as it was VERY obvious that I had to turn my wheel way too far to get around even a mild corner. I've tried other cars and tried resetting my wheel settings, but neither worked... it's stuck at 900 degrees rotation regardless of car.

Cheers guys.

Hey Ross,

Im using a G27 myself and havent been having any problems recently.

From what you describe, #1 sounds like a bug, but #2 could be a variety of things.

Have you updated your logitech drivers recently by chance? Or made any changes of your own to the software for your wheel?

You could try going to My Documents/My Games/SimBin/R3E/User Data/Control Set and backup your control profile either by moving it to your desktop for safe keeping temporarily (or making a copy and saving it somewhere else), and then deleting it from within that folder. When you start up the game, make a new profile and see if this fixes the problems. Maybe your control profile became corrupt.
Thanks for the swift reply. :thumbsup: If it's not affecting you then perhaps the problem is on my end somewhere.

There are no updated drivers to be had, to my knowledge. I'm running Logitech Profiler v5.10.127, the latest available which supports Win7 and the G27. I uninstalled it completely including all registry entries, and after reinstalling it my rev lights are now working again.

In-game, I deleted my custom profile completely and set up a new one from scratch. Unfortunately it didn't work as my wheel still doesn't automatically set it's rotation to match the car settings.

As a workaround, I tried setting my profiler to 540 to match the GT2's. Of course it worked, but I'd rather not have to do that every time I drive a different car. Strangely, I encountered a new problem. Set to 540, the steering was faaaar too sensitive. I had to manually decrease the steering lock from 23 to 16 to make the car controllable. It's almost like the game knows my wheel is capable of 900 so sets the cars steering lock accordingly, instead of setting my wheel's rotation to match the car. :O_o: (Does the GT2 BMW default to 540/23? I had no problems controlling it before the updates.)
There are no updated drivers to be had, to my knowledge. I'm running Logitech Profiler v5.10.127, the latest available which supports Win7 and the G27.

I only asked because Logitech put out a silent update to the drivers on their site a few months ago that completely broke them. So if you downloaded them recently and just installed them, this might have been the problem :)

Nice to know the lights work again.

As for the rotation... In the vehicle settings from the options menu (from the main menu), do you have "Steering Animation" set to 'match setup'?

In the car setup menu in the garage, go to steering settings. Is the steering rotation listed with steering lock, or does it show 'N/A' for one of those values?

Steering rotation should match, as I am sure you are aware, so something is amiss here.

Could also check your logitech profiler to make sure it is set to allow games to make changes, or if you have a specific game profile made for raceroom, make sure the correct .exe is selected and also that this profile can make changes.
Ross, make sure it's the March 2016 drivers from Logitech as the later ones don't work properly.

While this is correct and this is the date for the latest (most recent) drivers... Logitech likes to use the same version number since 2010 which can cause confusion.

And then there was a silent update that Logitech pushed around October 2016 that was hopelessly broken. Wheel rotation didnt work in any game, etc. Every version of the download. Win 7,8,10, x86 and x64. Not sure if this is still the case, but I still ask just in case someone had the misfortune to download Logitech's drivers recently.

This can be completely disregarded though if the drivers werent downloaded and installed in the past 6 months. :p
Thanks for helping, guys. :thumbsup:

I've confirmed all my in-game settings. The wheel animation is set to match the car setting (which it does), and in the setup screen the correct rotation is displayed for each car, so no "N/A". I've also checked the profiler, and both my global and R3E specific profiles have the box ticked that allows games to make changes.

However, given the info you've provided, I have no idea what "version" of the profiler I have anymore. I can't remember the last time I downloaded it from the Logitech website before this issue occurred, but I did download it from there last night during my attempts to get things working again. So does that mean I now have this buggered up version? :O_o:

Is there somewhere I can get the older version or will I have to go Google hunting?
Thanks for helping, guys. :thumbsup:

I've confirmed all my in-game settings. The wheel animation is set to match the car setting (which it does), and in the setup screen the correct rotation is displayed for each car, so no "N/A". I've also checked the profiler, and both my global and R3E specific profiles have the box ticked that allows games to make changes.

However, given the info you've provided, I have no idea what "version" of the profiler I have anymore. I can't remember the last time I downloaded it from the Logitech website before this issue occurred, but I did download it from there last night during my attempts to get things working again. So does that mean I now have this buggered up version? :O_o:

Is there somewhere I can get the older version or will I have to go Google hunting?
See pm upcoming
Hmm, before you use the version that it seems Kenny is going to PM you....

Would you mind trying literally any other racing sim you own? It would be interesting to know if the download is still broken... 6 months later. Because this very well may be the problem then. In my past experience with the broken driver, my wheel rotation did not work in AMS or AC (didnt check others besides R3E).

There is also more info in this old thread about the issue. (also has a download link for the working drivers from @Christian Moreau)

Might have to see if I can get in touch with the Sector3 devs and see if they can get in touch with Logitech. This is beyond asinine if the drivers for the G27 are still broken.
Might have to see if I can get in touch with the Sector3 devs and see if they can get in touch with Logitech. This is beyond asinine if the drivers for the G27 are still broken.
The cynic in me thinks they are more interested in selling their grossly overpriced new wheels than in supporting the older ones. But of course that's business.
I think one of the R3E splash pages still points the correct drivers out.
Yep, think you're right there Kenny. The absolute latest "gamimg software" doesn't even support any of the older controllers. Daft really given the number of people that still love their G25/G27.

I didn't have time to try much before leaving the house this morning. One thing I did try was unticking the custom wheel rotation setting in my R3E profile, making it use the global setting instead. (Both are set to 900 degrees.) Jumped in the BMW and... presto! Wheel rotation matched the car perfectly. I've always had that option ticked in every profile since forever without issue, so something has changed somewhere recently.

I'll try AMS tonight and see if rotation is affected there too. Either way I have the older profiler now so hopefully all will be fine. Thanks a lot for the help guys, much appreciated! :thumbsup::cool:
Haha, well that's typical! I find a solution this morning, but come home and install the older profiler anyway to make sure I don't have any more issues in the future. Guess what? The old profiler broke everything again! No lights on my wheel, no sync with the in-game wheel at all using either the global or game profile. On top of that, the vehicle settings in-game are now showing N/A for wheel rotation! I was out of time due to the club race starting so had to do a quick fix by setting the rotation manually in the profiler and the lock to suit in-game. It got me through so it's all good.

Tomorrow I'll go back to the newer profiler, stick with the global profile for R3E, and check if there's a problem in my other sims. (AMS & DiRT Rally)
Interestingly enough, I've also noticed a few days back that my in-game wheel doesn't seem to match the real one. I think I also first noticed it while trying some kind of open-wheeler in the Competitions section, but I've also noticed it tonight while testing the NSU on the Salzburgring...the formula wheel was quite off, the NSU not as much but still noticeable. But given I've never driven these cars before, I can't be sure if it's something new or if it's always been this way... :(

Also running the 5.10.127 Profiler, but only using DFGT, not G27.
Well, it's apparently going to be complicated...

Upon checking, I've noticed that I have "N/A" in car settings under wheel range. So apparently I've been using wrong drivers, despite thinking I have the correct ones. Installing the correct drivers (the 14 Feb 2016 ones) fixed the wheel range - now it's showing proper values and I can also change it.

I've also found out I've unwittingly set the steering sensitivity to 100 %, thinking this is linear steering - it's not. So my wheel was more sensitive near the middle and less sensitive near full lock. Setting steering linearity to 50 % fixed this.

But it didn't fix the main problem - my degrees of rotation are apparently still locked at 900 degrees. Even if I pick up a car with say 360 wheel range, I still have to turn my wheel full 900 degrees to reach full lock of the in-game wheel :(

(Oh, and sorry for kinda hijacking the thread...)
Ok, well I think I've fixed things for myself at least. Reintalled the latest version of the profiler (downloaded from the Logitech website today), left R3E using the global profile, and voila... my wheel now matches the wheel in-game exactly, and the cars show a changeable wheel rotation setting in their setups instead of "N/A". Oh, and the pretty lights are working again too. :p

(Oh, and sorry for kinda hijacking the thread...)

Don't worry Martin, there's no hijack. Your issue sounds almost identical to mine, and while we may be using different wheels they are both Logitech so it may well be the exact same cause. Here is what I did earlier, step-by-step. See if it works for you.

1) Uninstall Logitech Profiler. Once done, go to C:\Users\<username>\appdata and delete the Logitech folder from the Local, LocalLow and Roaming folders (if it exists). If you want to be even more thorough, you can also open RegEdit and delete the keys relating to Logitech, but that's up to you. Probably completely unnecessary.

2) Restart your computer.

3) Download and install the latest Logitech Profiler that supports your wheel. Do not change any settings.

4) Restart your computer.

5) Open Logitech Profiler. Go to the Global Device Settings and change rotation to 900. Do not change anything else and do not create a profile for R3E!

Start R3E, jump in a car (open wheeler with low steering rotation is best), and see if your wheel matches the animation. Hopefully it will!

If the above doesn't work, post back. I have an old DFGT laying around here somewhere, so I can dig it out and see if I get issues using it with R3E too. :)
Yeah, so...

Yesterday, I've uninstalled the Profiler I had and installed the March 2016 one, without cleaning registry or User data, and also without restarting (couldn't restart at the time). That took care of the wheel range setting saying "N/A" instead of whatever rotation the car was supposed to be using. But like I've mentioned, I had to use 900 degrees of rotation to reach full lock on every car.

Today, though, I did the worst thing one can do when troubleshooting something - I tried changing two things at the same time. I deleted my profile for R3E...and I finally restarted the computer.

And sure enough, upon launching R3E, my wheel rotation was finally working as it should. I'm guessing the restart was the final step needed, because I then tried creating a new profile for R3E (pretty much identical to the one I got before) to see if it will break the wheel rotatio again, and it didn't.

I've also realized that it most likely never worked for me and I just didn't notice - with my FOV and seat settings I was usually using, I often didn't even see the wheel to really notice that. But I've tried a few low wheel range cars and they definitely feel easier to control now and getting through some of the tighter turns is easier - I was actually able to lower steering lock back to default on some car/track combos where I was using a higher one before.

Anyway, thanks for the help. (And thanks Logitech for that whole multiple-drivers-with-the-same-version-number mess.)
Well, maybe I've spoken too soon. Seems like it returned after all when I started the game again. I've removed the R3E profile again and it seems to be holding so far - restarted the game several times.
Restarting your computer after unintalling/reinstalling the profiler is definitely a key step, which I found out the hard way. :p Not doing it probably means your wheel continues to use the old driver or something. Making R3E use the global profile is also key, at least for the rotation setting. I have to say that since my other sims were unaffected by these issues, and since even R3E was fine until the recent spate of patches, this must be an R3E issue, and not down to Logitech. (this time!)
Welp. So I connect my wheel for the Salzburgring Aquila race, and strangely enough the Wheeler app I use for recording wheel positions doesn't see it. Weird, but I calibrate the wheel in the app, but it's still not showing up correct inputs. So I open up Profiler...and I'm greeted with my wheel pretending to be the old Driving Force Pro - a sign that I'm on the updated drivers, not on the correct ones. Just great. And I can't restart since I'm running a flash disk recovery in the background for my wife.

Well, quickly reinstalled the drivers and at least managed to get my wheel recognized properly, but upon starting the game and jumping into the Aquila (with about 2 minutes of practice session left and zero practice beforehand), I turn the wheel to drive out of the pit stall and immediately see that my rotation is once again off. And even the FFB felt somewhat different (well at least I think it did). But yeah, no option but to turn up my steering lock in the car settings and hope for the best. The steering felt really uncomfortable to me the whole time, though :(

This is starting to get pretty annoying. I'll do the full wipe of the drivers and Profiler and see what happens...
This is starting to get pretty annoying. I'll do the full wipe of the drivers and Profiler and see what happens...

Yeah, it's definitely worth a try. Uninstalling/reinstalling without restarts definitely messed things up for me, and stopped the eventual "fix" from actually working. It's still strange that everyone else seems to need the "old" drivers, yet my wheel will only work properly with the latest ones. Perhaps Logitech released another stealth update or rolled back to a previous version?