Regarding the OT issue:
I have seen a very heavy handed approach to moderation on the official forum as of recently.
I simply followed the news and technical discussions about ACC on the official forums since release of v1.0 and realized that more and more threads I would click on where genuine questions were asked were all locked.
It had gotten so bad that I counted locked vs open threads on page one and over the course of several days page one threads displayed had more than 30 % of threads locked - THIRTY % !
I found this strange, especially as this was the ACC General Discussion area so I opened a thread, politely mentioning the situation and asking about it. It took a few snarky comments from users and of course within a short time that thread too was locked.
I simply stopped to bother taking part in any constructive communication now on the official forum - it seems entirely pointless. The only thing I am still doing there is reporting bugs with log files and screen shots if applicable.
I understand that the devs (who must be insanely busy, hunting after those tight deadlines) are the only ones moderating, hence their fuse is EXTREMELY short especially when dealing with impatient users who are constantly complaining and bringing up the same questions over and over but sorry, this is not good communication to simply cut off the rope.
It seems it is best to simply treat the official Kunos forum as a customer support + bug ticket report portal only and bring the actual discussion about the product elsewhere. It is a shame though :-(
Re. livery editing - some clever fellow had discovered and documented over at the official Kunos forum that indeed a livery editor is already implemented in its very rudimentary forum but so far lacks an UI and is not easily seen.
He found that you could edit certain text files with different code for different livery colors and sponsor stickers and has documented his findings - you may want to search for that if you are really interested.
In the long term though it is highly probably that a user interface for that livery editor will be implemented but I imagine that this is very, very, very low on the priority list of things to do, right after bug fixing, 2019 content (to fulfill contractual agreements), multi player features, career mode polish, pit stop features, UI improvements, VR improvements, triple screen support, possible future DLC, documentation and a possible SDK for a more accessible mod support, ... console port, ... mobile device spin offs, ...
There is easily still years in work on that long to do list for a long, active life of ACC - I have the feeling we are just at the very start of a long road of ACC (meanwhile jumping back and fore between AC + mods and ACC depending on the feeling of the day. Patience is mandatory for now I suppose.