I couldn’t see this type of post anywhere and as I’m undecided on a DD1 or the PS4 version for extra compatibility right now thought I’d put this up, forgive me if it’s already been done.
Another polling option for wait and see before making a decision might make sense.
I'm happy with my CSW 2.5 for the moment and like how well it is supported in games. The Fanatec DD wheels look clean, but I'd like to see how they fair in the real world before taking that plunge.
I'm not in a rush for this purchase, so I'm fine waiting to see how that all plays out. Over time the choice will become obvious.
Well that’s not really what I want an answer to, really I want to see what Fanatec DD people are Definitely going for as I’m definitely going for one I’m just undecided on which of the DD1’s it will be right now and if I get a DD1 later I’m getting an inferior product for my money as they won’t have the DD2 motor in them, albeit with it limited to 20nm, but this is still a higher end motor and a bit stronger than it will be later.
Here's the problem.
Right now Fanatec is saying both units get the same motor, but the DD2 gets better hardware plus the emergency stop button. The question is whether the DD1 simply limits the power to the motor and maybe comes with a smaller power supply. OR if the DD2 gets a better encoder with more resolution or a bunch of other things. During the last show where all the motors from different brands were lined up most people said that the DD2 felt better.
So the question is whether the DD2 felt better because it had a better encoder and better control circuitry or if it was just because it had a bit more power on the setup tested.
So even if I were completely excited and ready to pre-order and felt I didn't need the power of the DD2, I still don't know if there are other reasons other than the warranty and stop button to get the DD2.
Right now the people pre-ordering are making assumptions.
There were impressions from event on German forum.
Buried somewhere here
DD2 was better.
It was from more than one review I read. One guy was extremely thorough in his report and explained that the OSW wheels still had more detail in the side by side comparison, but that the DD2 felt smoother and more detailed than the DD1. It could be that had less clipping, better hardware, higher power setting.
Anyway. I'm waiting off for a while to see how they do and putting my money into upgrading my CS 3.0 pedals and CS hand brake to Heusinkveld.
I have been looking at alternative pedals to upgrade from the Fanatec V3’s as they haven’t released any Podium pedal info and the Heusinkveld Ultimates is tempting but I really don’t have the money for that too right now so I’m going to wait and see on that side of things.
Just saw this..
Consider yourself lucky, you've just skipped Guinea Pig batch.