Which version(s) to buy?

So here's a contender for possibly the stupidest question on the forum, but the array of purchasing options at Steam for AMS2 is bewildering to me now. I cannot believe I'm reduced to appealing for help on a forum before even buying the game, but there it is. I've been sim racing for nearly 30 years and have a physics degree so maybe it's not me, but here's the list. I want to buy ALL CONTENT, every track, car, DLC, and future update, and initially the option which came up was a one-click all-content option for $125, but once in my cart Steam threw up a "duplicate content in cart" error (even though it was the only item in my cart at the time) and when I repeated the search I got the following list. I currently have no AMS2 content at all. Do I need to buy just the season pass, or the entire list, or the season pass and some version of the game like the ultimate edition, or something else? Thanks.

For AMS2, you need either:

1) Automobilista 2 (base game) + Automobilista 2 2020-2021 Season Pass

2) Automobilista 2 (base game) + Automobilista 2 Premium Track Pack

Which one you pick depends on whether you think the future content to be released in 2021 is worth paying for or not. Obviously, just getting the base game plus the current DLC tracks is much cheaper.

The rest of the stuff is for AMS1, not AMS2.