its so much torque to better react to real cars forces affecting wheel.. but technology is not so good as it should. If i recall correctly... i dont want to make mistake who said it but i think it was Stefano from assetto corsa dev and he said that some kind of direct_driver from windows or someting is too old, like it was made in 90s and not updated for todays stardarts still..
thing is direct drive wheels are made so powerfull to better/faster react to changes on sim front wheels and follow those wheels better. thats why you need more torque and bigger is better.. the thing is it not work as it should cause of outdated windows driver.... it shall be that steering wheel is always connected to front wheels,, if front wheels do something the steering wheel shal follow immediately and be always 100% connected like throug real steering shaft... but it work TODAY as is front wheels in car in sim doing something,, the steering wheel not follow it but its applied force on it to follow it,, and it makes power to follow them wheels then cut power off and not make someting like counter force to make wheel stay there, wheel not coneted so it oveshoots it and its called OSCILLATIONS.. thats worst thing in simracing TODAY in terms of wheels ffb.. some devs can make it good, others worse. so high torque on DD wheels are for faster reacting, like wheel would be connected, the problem it made is that force may be set so high, if that force is applied to follow front wheels, force may be to high and overshoot the desired point where wheel shall be pointed,,,, so it can make thing as cars itself is not putting steering wheel in position the car is going (as it work in real life , where car go it sets steering wheel in that position and use gyroscopic forces from front wheels onto steering wheel and thus centering itself, the car controll steering wheel with its whole mass),,, and in sims it sometimes may work opposite (the wheel is the thing that sets car onto its path, once car go slide the wheel wants to recenter, then its recentered too powerfull and runs into big oscillations, so it shakes and make whole car turning left to right and crash, like the small mass of 1 kg steering wheel would afect whole 1500+ kg car mass.. that thing i would call horse riding thing)
and its comon in games as AC, pCARS2. hopefully games as AMS2, ACC, RRRE managed to solve that issue very good, but its still not same thing as if wheel would be 100% connected to front wheels and then cars 1500+ kg mass would be that who controll 1 kg steering wheel.. sadly with todays technology its opposite: 1kg wheel controll whole 1500+ kg car mass. if wheel start oscillating, the car starts to make crazy slalom..
its not so BIG DEAL if you always hold wheel in your hand as MOST if not all simracers do, but it breaks immersion and make simracing weird for non simracers when tey try out my rig.
the thing is i found DD wheel with my personal actually made oscillations less than i had on my previous belt driven wheel... its cause i can make "mass" (i would call "steering shaft feel/mass) in my wheel settings, which i wasnt allowed on belt driven wheel.