Why do the tires lock so easily on the Boxer with ABS OFF ?

Surely this can't be realistic. I mean, even at the slightest touch it locks up.
And if i stomp at the end of a straight i'm done...Seems broken.
I remember this being an issue, ever since the car came out. I haven't played much in the last couple of months. I now notice this is still present. Surely a high tech racing car doesn't just lock up like this ?
Looks like a bug.
Weird, i experienced the above issue on a server.
I'm now testing offline and it's not as sensitive anymore and i can slow down without locking in a believable manner.

It's like some setting didn't load right or like the game didn't read my brake pedal inputs correctly
or smth...Don't know.

@Paul Jeffrey , you can delete this thread.
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Nah we won't delete it. It's still helpful if someone has the same problem! Especially since you were so kind to actually to post your "solution".
What I might add is that it may be realistic that you have to lower the brake power when removing ABS.
With ABS on you want every wheel on its absolute maximum before locking up. Also you would want to give the electronic behind it some headroom to play with. So you want something like 110 % power on the wheel that locks up LAST!
When you go without it, you want to hit the max brake power to slightly lock up the wheel that locks up FIRST! On a lower track grip level etc that could be way lower than the ABS=on case.

I won't wonder if you end up with 75% brake power, when the maximum with abs on is 100%. :)
Ok. Thanks for the handy explanation/tips. :thumbsup: Not too familiar with the mechanics behind it myself.
I've played with the off state a bit now. Demands much more control and precision on the brake
pedal, that's for sure. The excellent sound effects help a lot.
You can clearly hear when it starts skidding and can start easing off/adjusting the pressure.