PC1 why is the pCARS forum buried?

Snidey dig? It's a honest opinion and nothing else. I judge SMS based on the current state of pCars and their previous trackrecord, and based on that I think they are not focused on delivering the kind of racing sim that I am looking for.

Why are you not able to read other peoples opinions that differ from yours without thinking it's a direct attack on you and SMS?
I have no issues looking at pCars and saying that it looks like it's going to be a GREAT racing game, but it's nothing for me (in it's current state). One does not have to be hateful towards something just because one does not enjoy it, which you seem to draw from every comment towards pCars and SMS that ain't direct praise.

I don't think SMS is able to make pCars a sim I will enjoy because they claimed that Shift 2 was a sim with bleeding edge physics, and I found that game to be utter ****.
I don't think SMS are aiming to make pCars a sim that I will enjoy, because the big numbers in terms of players and money simply aren't to be found in that kind of game, it's found in making a great racing game that appeals to the biggest crowd possible, people who will not accept having to spend 50+ laps on a track just to be competitive. And yes, I think the two are mutually exclusive.
That's not something inherently bad though, it's just not the kind of game I'm looking for but I think that's the kind of game SMS are trying to make.

And argumentative manner? I am stating my opinion, I am clearly stating that it IS an opinion as opposed to some others in this thread stating their opinions as facts.

Of course I realise you are merely stating an opinion, but it is an opinion that is facile.

As mentioned (probably a millions times) Shift 2 was published by EA. As any gamer knows, publishers have a HUGE say on what content a game has and how it plays. This is not an excuse this is well known documented FACT. So judging SMS on any work published by EA (or any publisher for that matter) is barking up the wrong tree (in fact it's a tree on another planet).

Who's to say my opinion differs from yours? You presume (completely incorrectly that I (and probably any other WMD member)) are unable to criticise pCARS and accept criticism, you and others make this assumption time and time again. It's tiresome.

Some cars are awful in pCARS in my opinion, some are really good, and a few are a damn good rip roaring ride. How accurate the good ones are is something I have no sodding clue as I've never driven those cars, but I'm 100% certain no-one else here has either!! So any opinion on the accuracy of those cars is irrelevant. It's all just "my cock is bigger than yours bullshit". That is why I have never been judgemental on any games phsyics, having an opinion on a car I've never driven in reality is beyond daft.

So to summarise, it's blindingly clear that SMS are trying to make the best Sim they can, whilst also making it accessible (which is something Kunos are trying to do as well).

The only opinion I have given here is that you and others are overly harsh on pCARS. I back this up with reasoned debate, yet you do not, it's all "Shift 2 is **** so SMS are a **** developer, so any game they ever make will be ****".....facile.
I was going to keep quiet but I had to respond to your trolling post. Just who do you think you are to be telling me and others exactly what we can or should be posting in regards to Pcars? Get this, you are just another gamer who likes and has invested in a product. I don't like that product and I am saying so. As have others on here. Just take it because that's how it is. I can test Pcars anytime I want and I'll make comment on it without being bullied by you.

I don't have to use tact and I don't have to construct arguments just to please you and any of the other investors. And yes it is my opinion blah blah blah.:rolleyes:

meaning of troll: One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

That about sums up 99% of your posts here in the pCARS section, whereas I have debated nicely with David and a little less so with Kjell.

You can criticise pCARS all you want, but if you continue to do it in a troll like way then you will get people calling you out. That is NOT bullying. Bargeing into a discussion and spouting off IS bullying.

Take a look in the mirror mate, you'll see the real bully staring right back.

Er yes you DO have to use tact, This forum like many others will have pretty strict rules on that. Which is why I took issue with the mods before, they fail to reel you in. You are obviously a very angry person with regards to SMS and pCARS.

I was the same with GT5, I got banned from GT planet. I created a new account, but you know what... I don't go there because the GT5 fanboys are migraine inducing (at least you're a SIM head like me!). THIS is why I fight this fight. We probably like the same damn things in a SIM yet you are unable to see that!

Oh and BTW I have not "invested" in pCARS, I spent 45 euro's to get a glimpse into the unknown world of game development and get a good racing sim at the end.

Same reason why I got the AC early release.
Can you at least acknowledge that I've been fielding these type of questions for nearly 2yrs....yup, it was approx 2yrs ago that many WMDers were talking bollocks about the state of pcars physics etc, and when corrected, they merely asked us to wait for the next round of improvements.

So you honestly think that the STM isn't an improvement on the BTM?? It's not Bollocks to say that things have improved at all. Seems you are incapable of further decent chat David...shame really.

Is there anyone anti pCARS capable of reasoned debate without resorting to swearing?
I don't think anyone else bothers coming here for fear of what will happen to them, regardless of whether positive or negative opinions :D

Personally I look forward to a new build almost daily..most of the time I feel a bit disappointed by something but I've more than had my monies worth..and after all that's what matters.

My main issue is almost regardless of what car I choose, I never feel connected to the road in the same was as I do with AC, RF2 or RRRE/DTM They all feel like they have weight to the cars, I can feel when I'm over-cooking a corner. With pCARS I feel (a lot of the time) that I'm on ice.
The problem could be down to my settings or the fact I don't dabble with the car/tire settings at all, but that leads on to whether or not a racer (sim or otherwise) should be accessible out of the box in the first instance...
...The problem could be down to my settings or the fact I don't dabble with the car/tire settings at all, but that leads on to whether or not a racer (sim or otherwise) should be accessible out of the box in the first instance...
I think the setups are a bit behind the current developments of the tyre model and possibly other bits of the physics. IMO the setups needs to be spot on at release, as in eminently driveable and perhaps slightly on the safe side. I assume that work in this area will be part of the beta phase later this year.

When that has been done, I'm confident that the out of box experience will be very good, and those that currently don't care for adjusting setups and FFB configuration may be pleasantly surprised.
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and now for something completely different..
Monty python music
As we are off topic again.

Whether you love or hate Ian Bell and slightly mad studios.
There one thing no body can deny is without him we would not have had half the sims we drive now. or games we have played with his ideas or concepts.

A partial list of Slightly Mad's former SimBin staff and their credits follow:

Ian Bell - Head Of Development - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Andy Garton - Technical Director - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Stephen Viljoen - Lead Designer/Producer - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Eric Boosman - Art Director - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Doug Arnao - Physics/AI Director - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Jan Frischkorn - Art Lead - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Perran Truran - Lead Vehicle Modeller - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Viktor Kolomiets - Builds / Asset Manager - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Ged Keaveney - Programmer - GT Legends, GTR 2
Steve Dunn - Programmer - GT Legends, GTR 2
Robert Dibley - Programmer - GT Legends, GTR 2
Anders Johansson - Programmer - GT Legends, GTR 2
Iain Wallington - Programmer - GTR 2
Matt Hobbs - Programmer - GTR 2
Vittorio Rapa - Server Side Coder - GT Legends, GTR 2
Stephen Baysted - Sound Director - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Greg Hill - Sound Designer - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Casey Ringley - Vehicle Modeller - GT Legends, GTR 2
Gustavo Olivera - Vehicle Modeller - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Daniel Karlsson - Vehicle Texture Artist - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Bryn Alban - Vehicle Modeller - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2
Vincent Dambreville - Vehicle Texture Artist - GT Legends, GTR 2
Sven Moll - Track Production/Organics - GT Legends, GTR 2
Andreas Moll - Track Production/Organics - GT Legends, GTR 2
Sean Vollmer - Track Modeller - GTR, GT Legends, GTR 2

So its obvious to me Slightly Mad
don't have a clue at what there doing..:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Ian Bell

What games have you worked on?
GTR, GT Legends, GTR2, BMW M3 Challenge, Need For Speed: SHIFT, SHIFT 2 Unleashed

What does your job involve?
As Head of Studio I’m involved in many different aspects from defining the direction and philosophy of the company to setting fast lap times for the team to beat ;o)

What influenced you to get into the games industry?
A bit of a rebellious nature I guess – I remember being scolded by my mum as a 15-year-old coder that there would never be a future in what I was doing and I should go and get an education instead. So I did both – I studied for a PhD in Human Computer Interaction and then formed SimBin.

If you weren’t working in videogames therefore, what would you be doing instead?
I’d be a psych lecturer

What’s been your proudest moment working at Slightly Mad Studios?
Forming SimBin originally, forming Blimey! Games thereafter and subsequently saving the team with the formation of Slightly Mad Studios. Oh, and shipping GTR2 exactly how we wanted it ;o)

You’ve worked on a number of racing titles – are there any other genres you’d like to work on also?
With our newly-formed sister company Gamagio the possibilities are endless for the creation of any number of titles in existing and new genres so watch this space, we’ve got some exciting titles outside of racing already up our sleeve!

What’s your favorite game of all time?
Elite – ground breaking, engrossing, and influential. Simply the best.

What was your first car you bought, and what car do you drive now?
A 1984 XR2 Fiesta – I think it was just £3200! At the moment I have a Ferrari 599 and a Porsche Cayenne

Where do you see gaming going in the future?
We’re already starting to see huge growth coming from free-to-play, iteratively-updated titles with the revenue instead coming from addons/expansions/downloadable content. Micro-transactions are they key.

all the above was correct or posted as correct at some
point in time:)

All well and good posting all that Ian Bell stuff. Not really bothered about his CV. All I am saying is that I compare Pcars as it is right now with a modded Shift 2. That's my opinion. It is not sufficiently different enough for me to like it. Nobody should be afraid to voice their opinion without being mobbed by Pcars fans. Why won't they just accept that not everyone agree's with them. It is my personal opinion that I feel they will never get the physics right because they are using the same engine as they used in Shift 2, albeit slightly moddified.

Now back on topic, but why was or is the Pcars forum buried?
You can criticise pCARS all you want, but if you continue to do it in a troll like way then you will get people calling you out. That is NOT bullying. Bargeing into a discussion and spouting off IS bullying.

Take a look in the mirror mate, you'll see the real bully staring right back.

Er yes you DO have to use tact, This forum like many others will have pretty strict rules on that. Which is why I took issue with the mods before, they fail to reel you in.

You just don't get it do you? I can have my negative opinion about Pcars and I don't have to explain everything to you. Despite what you call me and despite how many times you report my posts. I have not been rude and I have not been disrespectful to the forum owners unlike you. Just take my opinion and live with it.
I think the setups are a bit behind the current developments of the tyre model and possibly other bits of the physics. IMO the setups needs to be spot on at release, as in eminently driveable and perhaps slightly on the safe side. I assume that work in this area will be part of the beta phase later this year.

When that has been done, I'm confident that the out of box experience will be very good, and those that currently don't care for adjusting setups and FFB configuration may be pleasantly surprised.

Thanks for the reply :) I'm happy to keep trying every build.
That's funny because i didn't realise it was buried on in the forum..
It's been front page now for a bit, and all you can do is all bitch at each other.
with the odd exception of course,:thumbsup:
Not one of you has posted or noted it or said thank you.

Definite case of cant see beyond your own noses ..:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
PCars want to thank all the members who help to make it so popular.
I`ve spent the last hour reading all the posts in here,well maybe not full the ones that looks like it will never end hehe.and i saw 5 names that agree and disagree eachothers post even saw one name of a user that never posted once.
I like the features in pCars like rain effect.I think my last run in pCars was around January,but i might be rong,actualy i dont really rememmber,and i had some fun in it,but it did not last to long...maybe for an hour or so...then i wanted to get serious and do some hotlapping but i failed to keep it tight in corners.Felt different than when i was just having fun and not actualy aiming for hotlap.
So i said to myself i would try it another time and feel the difference with all the new builds that passes not just after each build.(i recieve).
In AC the feeling is total different...When just having fun and not aiming for hotlap,its like any day drive (in road cars that is) at a moderated speed.
When i want to get serious and try some hotlaps,it really feels like there is something in my hands that has wheels,suspesions,wheight...and i can feel it when i brake for a corner and going out of it.
So this is how i feel from both games/sim-simcade-whatever-you-want-to-call-it and both are good for faving some fun but only one i felt like its really rewarding. :)
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Perhaps you don't like the idea that I continue to disagree with you.

That's irrelevant, I pretty much think we arn't really going to see eye to eye on this subject, I'm just disappointed that up till now you'd been the saving grace for the anti pCARS argument then the "bollocks" comment, which was just daft.

So just to confirm, you ARE saying that the Seta tyre model is no improvement at all over the old brush tyre model?

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