There is a strange and unrealistic behaviour in all cars when accelerating in first gear, like a magical traction control that prevents wheel spinning and make the cars accelerate very progressively, like if you were using 5th gear instead. If you grab a real car with 200 or 300 bhp and suddently press the throtle to the bottom in first gear, while the car is still or moving slowly, the wheels would loose traction at first, spinning and creating some smoke. That kind of behaviour, which would force you to be cautious using your throttle very agressively in first gear, is absolutelly absent in this game. I have tried different cars, modern and old and it's the same. It must not be related to the autoclutch (makes no difference with it on or off) because if you are driving slowly in first gear, with the revs down, the clutch should already be fully released. Of course I have all assists off. Have I configured anything wrong? Is there any reason for this?