General Why the lack of late 90s lmp cars?

Hey all

Title says it. Why no lmps from the 90s / maybe early 00s too? We only have a porsche 98 from kunos and a marvelous mercedes clr 99 from URD. (I'm sorry virtua, but your toyota is just a sad excuse for existence) Just two cars? Really? Where's the legendary audi r8? The bmw v12 lmr? A good rendition of toyota gt-one? Panoz? Courage? Ferrari 333? Nissan r390? audi r15? and so on and on

Is there simply no interest? Is the lack of data scary? Are they harder to make from a modder viewpoint? I saw nearly zero interest for GT1 cars before rss announced it and i think it's sold well. Not as weel as an open wheeler but i guess good enough.

So what's your opinion about the lack of cars from this era? Personally, 1998, 1999 and 2000 are the holy trinity of motorsport in my eyes. In aaaalllll areas. F1, LMP900, LMGTP, LMP675, GT cars, CART... It was an absolutely glorious era for motorsports yet we see so little of it in our simulators. Why? I'm very interested in the community's take on this.
Totally agree, so many stinkin openwheelers out there! Wish LM cars got more love from the top modders theres so many iconic cars from over the years.
Availability of info and good pictures is one issue. Like my 996 was from 2005 and no pics if it were bigger than 800x600. GwttGet suspension data of one of those cars is also hard or next to impossible, at which point your off making it basically from scratch. And the general user base rather wants modern supercars or tuners.
I bet you only have like 5 mods installed if you are that rigid
You be the judge.
For me I kinda avoid stuff that's already around in sims (esp. as first party content) so even if no sim has the full series the better cars in the classes exist.

If I were to pick one it'd be the open-cockpit Panoz it's just a silly car. I believe PCars has the closed cockpit one.