The big question . Will the PC version work with the G27 etc this Time? Does anybody know? Can Milestone answer the question?
Because I hav'nt got a pair of handlebars!Why would any one use a car steering wheel for a bike game?
I haven't got a machine gun but that doesn't stop me from playing ARMA 3.Because I hav'nt got a pair of handlebars!
I use a 360 controller myself, but everybody can use whatever they want
I will disagree whole heartily. Using a steering wheel to control a motorbike is senseless in my opinion and I am allowed that opinion. But I am biased as I ride motorcycles on road and track. I just couldn't imagine why anyone would use a wheel. It is so unusual. I'd rather use a keyboard than a wheel and even that is silly when you have access to cheap controllers that even in themselves are far less than ideal. We actually need a handlebar FFB device. Badly.
I would probably guess that only one or two people in the whole world would ever think of using a steering wheel to control a motorcycle in a game. Not bothered if they do though, that's their choice but it's silly.
I'm no biker pro like you, but surely a G27 gives more natural control than a controller with a little stick.
No G27 PC support no purchase as simple as that thanks for the info Jonix Just for the record PS3 version of Motogp14 works with G27 so it's really a console game.and they cant be bothered to include wheel support for PC users. Thanks Milestone but no thanks!.I do not know how your opinion has anything to do with the thread request, but nevermind.
Maybe a G27 can give you more feedback than a controller.
I would like to have a proper bike setup, that takes care about rider's weight movement and lean inclination.
Back in topic: peteduggan35 , in Ride wheels were not officially supported, but for some people G27 worked, for some others the pedals didn't work (the steering wheel did).
I guess it'll be the same for Gp'15