Will the real Mazda 787b mod please stand up?

I am talking about the legit mod that was turned into an official car, wanting to retrieve a working version of the mod before Kunos hacked it up.

I thought that RSRlivetiming should have the latest version, but their current download marked as "for 1.14" is not it. I misses a wide variety of sounds (referencing global sounds that don't exist anymore, and I think it can't have worked with 1.14 either). Zooming around in the version from RSR with the RSR mod on on gives me information that the server-side mod is older than what I am running and that RSR will be updated with my version soon (yeah I'm sure of it).

Any ideas where whatever the last pre-official mod was can be found? (I am aware that it might have broken sounds, also aware that I could just plug in Kunos' sound) Preferably one that is in sync with RSR?
OK, so there never was a mod version with sound that works with today's Kunos soundfiles. And RSR has who knows what built into the scoring system, but not 1.4.

I heard that Kunos "messed up" some of the physics, made a car following some different race series spec than desired by some players. I just wanted to try it for myself.
For one you can't expect RSR to support a mod that was depreciated and succeeded by official content based on the mod and secondly RSR Livetiming is closing in March, so either way it doesn't matter anymore that they haven't updated to the latest mod version.