Yes, no problem. If you're running 60fps you will have a chunk of performance left over - if you're going for high frame rates like 144fps I still think you'll be okay. Even if you hit a limit all you need to do is lower in game settings and tbh imo, in "modern" sims going from high to medium isn't such a drop in visuals these days either - it will still look very good. I'm running triple screen assetto with a lesser i7 6700k and no problems in the CPU department - but I do have an rtx 2070 super so a bit more graphic juice for triple screens, so yep, your graphics card on a single screen at 1440 p should be great for Assetto * disclaimer: Assetto = Assetto 1 not ACC.
Can't see a problem either. I'm running it on single screen with my above specs no probs, any probs just lower settings down a tad.