Tracks WIP Flat Tower

I'm making in Race Track Builder a flat track, like Castle Combe (or better, I get the Castle Combe map zone, and I flatted all the track layout, and I modified the layout), but I'm new modding for AC (I modded before with BTB for rFactor), and I need help.

It comes with various layouts.

I need help to:
-Make concrete barrier xPack (with or without fence).
-Make the physics for the track (the physics mesh I think is called).ç
-Test the track and share the feedback (contact me via PM).

Here a few snapshots of the track:




(Note: the trees showed are only for environment test purposes. I need to find a good xpack that works with RTB with more and shorter trees.
Track progress:



-New track variation (red and purple circle; in the next map the two layouts are clockwise, and marked in red and blue the layouts).


-Exterior service road (dark blue arrow), and paddock (green arrow).

-Reduced the amount of trees, to put a smaller trees in the most closed part to the wall.

-Improved textures.

What do you think about the track?