Would it please be possible to have RSS feeds in the downloads sections?

If the site's engine allows it, could the admins please enable RSS access in the downloads sections? Or if RSS can already be used in there via some URLs, separately for each section, what are those addresses? (I could slip in the IDs of the sections that I want, but dunno what the URLs are like, and if they exist at all.)

It's possible to get RSS of various forums by a bit of fiddling with the URLs, but the forums are too coarse—the forums for mods lump in skins and other stuff together with tracks and cars.

Granted, it's possible to receive email notifications for new uploads by category, however I would prefer to get only personal things in the email, while RSS is perfect for this kind of web updates (for those who still use RSS, of course).

Also, I'm but a lowly non-paying leech, but hopefully this is easily turned on in the site engine and doesn't require extra effort.
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